Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dimples Pinewood Derby Tips

Warsaw is impossible to love

more than once mentioned here of his ardent affection to the capital to this city nietutejszych. The next weekend I'll have a chance to love That up popraktykować explore interesting corners of the times and places of Warsaw.

this year's release Area going for a tour of the church Wileniaku , Central Committee building and into a bunker ironworks. In addition, I will definitely participate in the walk from the historic occasion of the first Days HomoWarszawy , so using all of the events to celebrate this event I recommend:

Pierwsze Dni HomoWarszawy: 4-5 czerwca 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cider Vinegar Hair Loss

Do you like Chach? Gaumardżos - Georgia by Mellerów

rarely take a book to review. I have so many titles on the shelves, screaming for attention that I have no such need. As for other reasons, silenced. But there are such books, for which please herself, and so was the case. Honestly I beat their breasts - and I wrote wyżebrałam, because they are such texts, which are still under development are of my rapid heartbeat.
I used to think that I was in Georgia, but as my mother used to say - he was in the ass, shit seen. Carefully studied the map and our route and my husband and what came to light, not like me at all, and not at all. Namely, we arrived only to the borders of this country, while remaining within the administrative borders of Abkhazia. And now I thought I could be the occasion of this book pomądrzyć and submit their reminiscences of their stay. Sure, and so I pushed the boat out there, because staying on holiday in Sochi, upieraliśmy Although the trip, because how much you can lie on the beach ichniej, how much can Loic musztardówek cognac with theirs (or at least similar-looking glasses), but in 1988 was even communism and opportunities for travel, their freedom, were significantly reduced. Besides, most people who got to the coach, was interested in open air markets in other cities and commerce at large, and we like these two Gulls (because as we look in their eyes? "), Instead of checkered bags with the goods - with the guides in their hands, pasowaliśmy there like a flower to a window-dressing. Every time we stopped in some town, the whole bus of people left, and our two to the right, look, talk, fry, taste - a pity that we did not have time such an apparatus, which are now on sale. No nothing, but that's not supposed to be me, but about the book. While these reviews in the total of me is always through the prism of books read, this has probably got used :-))

flew across the text as dżygit through the city - an old Lada, no brakes, the rauszu, barely earning a cornering . At times I felt as if I had drank gallons of traps in the wine, and not the authors, together with the heroes of the story (anyone who has a minimum term of the Caucasus knows that anything that happened from the Georgians did not know about dry mouth). A multitude of names, people, places, names, events - calls dizziness. Sine, rapid transition from serious topics - politics, history, poverty, war, humiliation, oppression - the themes of light as down in the wind - the host, eating, drinking (which I say, drink the priest during Mass, they are simply łoili ), love, friendship and beautiful views - was giving a sickness. In a moment I forgot to breathe with emotion when reading about Martin Mellerze snipers shot at, or fleeing during the war, the ship from Abkhazia to Sochi (could it be in my footsteps, haha), just after I was suffocating with laughter over the descriptions of the exploration country - here's an example (or quote):
Guide, Amiran getting along with the question of the horse over the phone, he lived two houses away. I was glad that pretty well speaks Russian, but it was a joy it is premature, because the peasant pointed to a stocky young man and said:
- This is my son Lasza. From there you go.
- And speaks Russian?
- A little bit, a bit - he smiled proudly, my father and I have to admit that especially as Georgia just in this declaration there was the slightest exaggeration. More specifically, the Russian could Lasza say "a little bit, a bit 'just i' diesat ', or ten. Why yes, not five, nine or sixteen to the third power, I do not know, but it became clear that we get bored during the journey will not.
not I had time to read the linguistic reflection, because before my head zamachały two stocky horses manes. Lasza, which, as each local mountaineer, although shattered in ebony, rosy cheeks, he quickly strapped them to my backpack and his bundle, and a gesture resembling a jump into the water showed me that I ride a merry pet. Byłem trochę skonfundowany. Myślałem, że zanim ruszymy, objaśnię wszem i wobec, ze to trzecia w moim życiu styczność z koniem. pierwsza miała miejsce w trakcie robienia fotografii na kucyku w Zakopanem, kiedym był przedszkolakiem, a druga, gdy wybraliśmy się z Anią trzy lata wcześniej na lodowiec Uszby w Swanetii. Wtedy prawie natychmiast spadłem, ale na szczęście turlając się, zatrzymałem się na głazie i nawet niczego sobie nie złamałem. Teraz miałem nadzieję na jakieś, jakby to ująć, szkolenie? Próbowałem to na migi pokazać, ale nie wiedzieć czemu, Lasza zupełnie nie zrozumiał, what's going on, and smiling, "said Jeno:" A little bit, little bit, "I'm sorry
author, so to make fun of his 'ups and downs', but such human nature that most are all the lugs, as someone crash.

do not know how this book they take people who do not feel the spirit of this country who have never been there, or not at all 'Russian climates' (Russian in the sense of the former Soviet Union as a whole, not just Russia) interested. I knew from the first pages, "so this is it." And as I read the description of an aircraft, between the bundles and animals, where imprezka on the whole, people drink, smoke and sing - I knew that I'm home. I've been there - as they say English-speaking, when they want to emphasize that they know they feel exactly as referred to. Well, actually once I flew this plane gay, so I confirm the personal dignity that the author does not dim.

over only one regret that I was never survive the Supra, or feast. Descriptions of eating and drinking habits at the table impressed me and przyprawiły of drooling. Especially ravioli view khinkali called (in this picture from the blog of Catherine Pakosińskiej - Dancing with Georgia) seduced me, and dreams of at night. I want to go Georgia!
Finally, I can not mention it here just Pakosińskiej Catherine, who loves Georgia as fiery as marriage Mellerów, of which I in the book and it is on romansowo. Until I turned off the tear in his eye, I say only. I watched it on TV programs about Georgia's, and now I draw from her blog rules and I will try wymodzić khinkali, indeed chaczapuri alone at home. I know I will not be as sunny and hospitable Georgia, but what to do?
book I recommend, cuddling contributors to heart, and the evening will raise a toast with wine for them - at least half an hour :-)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cost Of New Bathroom 2010

gifts, shop with stacks of piles of chatting, and of the storm - which it once and probably not the last

reads, but has not yet ended because durnowate creature with me and the greed of a few books I started, all I have in the middle of
:-) But I'll brag about (such a braggart me on codzienniku it too I did, but in another question) that I found pięknistego misiusia, which sits on the book, which is pudełeczkiem on various types of things paw also based on the books and all is pięknościowy. The store itself has become the starociami and I found him there and the house suffered.

And besides, a great joy for me and for Polish libraries - got the book as a gift from World Books, lovely Ms. corresponded with me, układałyśmy in question was about shopping, because I wanted something at a discount, and ended unexpectedly on a large parcel of great books that I present to you here laid out on the table - a photo taken for a moment before typing the library system, a day before being transported to the library (a few have been for me to read) and one hour before the arrival of blue Monica bookcase. We arranged for a coffee in the common view, the groping with impunity, because in the end who forbid us, hehe.

You can imagine what we were using. Well we Monika talking about books.
Looking at these stacks-not ours, but in our total, and I have yet, we may use library, wzdychałyśmy again and again, because so many titles to read and when. Well, WHEN??
Therefore, unless, as soon as it turned out that my spine will not stand any longer and necessarily had to go on leave. Well, maybe without exaggeration, but it was easier for me to decide to rest prescribed by a doctor. The more that the librarian called me that I ordered came last in a trilogy by Patricia Scanlan, and I have yet to read the other three! A veritable storm
:-) I do not waste time just so I'm going to read. Yours

Saturday, May 21, 2011

M Jak Milosc Free Online

The reader excellent - Alan Bennett

The reader excellent is nothing less than the Queen of England herself, who discovers a passion readership. And actually does not discover, only develops in the habit of reading in later life, and discovers that it is a pleasure, but have not seen anything interesting in reading.
lot in this book about other books, because the Queen as a newcomer to the readership the way, weighed somehow opened the door for many, that reads Austen, Proust, Hardy and Beckett. If something does not read, man falls down, that yet, and it must be counted, and if an item is behind us, are invoked memories of the circumstances of her reading. The Prince read
ears. Was bored to death as Sumie on Sunday. Even the fact that it's about books, not helped. The British Monarchy and its vicissitudes nothing I do not care. Nor Diana's story fascinated me, nor married William and the Queen I do not care as much as the grandmother bowl from the Central Station. Frankly, I did not know anything about this novel when I decided to hear it, I went to the element. Then I found that it can be quite interesting, but the descriptions of the Queen, who is hiding the book under his pillow in karocy, and this is then taken away, because nobody likes that she reads to me too much .. Manor, a counselor, a secretary, her husband, they all necessarily want her to stop, consider this tiresome quirk. Descriptions of how they want to eradicate it from her and she is a total incapacitated and subjected to the will of others (though not completely), bored me terribly. I had to go back a few times, because I lost concentration and did not know what was listened to, and what happened at the same naziewałam is mine. I can not say that this book is bad, but not passed in my taste and for me But it was a waste of time.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Taking Valium While Exercising?

Vs Chiefs of Staff. Hubska

Found May 10, 2011 year on the street. At the headquarters in Wroclaw Jeżyce hit by a car was not rescued by EKOSTRAŻ. They saved her FIRST residents who immediately responded with something strange and suffering, which lies on the road. Had it not been responded to immediately, the fate of that jeżycy would be the same as the fate of the now-not-jeżycy who was saved from. Hubskiej in Wroclaw. to her aid came too late.

That the Hubskiej - most likely in a high pregnancy, probably hit by a car - crawled to the sidewalk, where it lay in a puddle and suffering. Most probably from the night or early Sunday morning. About 13:00 decided to help her passing that way 10-year old girl (!), But warned in advance by the adult to "THIS do not touch ' that " TO takes rabies and other diseases ". No adult jeżycy not help her at all and did not notice, which may be inferred from the state of the animal and the fact that hedgehogs - as nocturnal animals - do not fall from outer space in the puddles on the sidewalks sunday afternoons.

Jeżyce of Hubskiej came to us in a critical condition , primarily was extremely wyziębiona, reflecting the longer being in a puddle of water on the sidewalk. Without rapid assistance to the man. However, without adequate body temperature and the possibility of its maintenance by Continuously heated body, life ends quickly and violently, because this temperature determines the proper conduct of all physiological processes.


Jeżyce the military staff came to us almost immediately after his accident. She carefully selected anti-shock drugs and pain relievers. Very quickly, managed to master the small wyziębienie body Jezyce began to eat and drink independently. After two days of birth to 5 small languages, which one / the smallest and weakest / did not survive the first 12 hours. It feeds small and takes them carefully. Although the critical period for young hedgehogs is not yet over, for it already yes. she survived with certainty. You can judge that the remaining small and survive. Saving one life, you can often save more lives.


His being at the dawn condemn the suffering of wild animals. Let us not hesitate to at least assist them in flagrant cases. Not przechodźmy indifferent to the suffering of animals, which generally suffer because of us. Our immediate response, can save lives hedgehog, squirrel, fox, deer deducted. Our indifference to condemn these animals to suffer and the subsequent inability to provide them with effective assistance. Come and see, zareagujcie. Always.

Had 12 or 6 hours earlier assisted the Hubskiej jeżycy, she survived? We do not know. What we do know for sure that if aid is not granted immediately jeżycy the staffs, which was - due to HUMAN REACTION TIME - in better condition, but also had more damage accident - surely it was now dead. Together with your child.

not move indifferent to the suffering of animals. Our phone 605 78 22 14 In urgent cases is available around the clock (Lower Silesia). And when it comes to SERIOUS URGENT Jeżowe cases, the advice is clock Emergency Jeżowe in Krakow - Tel: 503 309 303rd

In passing it should be noted that you can not catch rabies by carefully raising the injured hedgehog, bird or squirrel, place it in a box and a notice of EKOSTRAŻY animal in need of assistance. These are myths. The fact is, however, that injured wild animals do not give you advice without our help.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Heart Rate And Numbness

Good genes - Hanna Cygler

Hanna Cygler 'presented' to me one summer Blueberry, lending it to me to read. It was a novel 3XR. Czytadło cool, fast łyknęłam and ignite a desire to read the rest of the books that author. And again, thanks of that Blueberry, I managed to buy several other items, and recently I got from publishing her latest novel Rebis 'good genes'.

First, content: Martha Went
know as ambitious and dart vice president of government agency (whatever it was, This name is always somehow enigmatically, is not it?). Successful, educated, competent, which obviously helps in life, but unfortunately did not impregnate her to the turmoil of life. And these take place, both in the form of demons of the past that it They fall, as well as devilish tricks present - men, who appear in her life, but also the recurrence of depression with anxiety, mother - overprotective and possessive, and unexpected loss work. I do not want to say anything, because you will spoil the pleasure of reading, if you would have wanted after her reach.

this novel reminds me of a book of such writers as Fleszarowa-Muskat and Nepomucka and that's a compliment, to be clear. The author tells the story of life, one that could happen to any of us, a neighbor or a colleague from work. I even at one point I found in her relationship with her mother, which telepnęło me, as usual. Hanna tells Cygler beautifully, smoothly goes from thread to thread, keeps the reader may not be in suspense, but in curiosity, which they continue to happen to Martha, it turns out story? It is nice to relax
at such a reading. It also reminds me of evenings spent in her youth on the novels Siesickiej when feasting on a roll with ham (then a rarity) or Cuban oranges (have a very thick skin), zaczytywałam in stories about my rówieśnicach and their problems - my problems. Here I met Marta, at my age, whose trials and tribulations, if they do not resemble one hundred percent of my story, that's for sure my colleagues or contemporaries. And here lies the strength of these novels, is the proximity of living life heroes from the readers. Is we do not like the history of close our skin? I recommend.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Nj Unemployment After Temporary Disability

Nothing improves humor as a new book

me a little przybiły events of last weekend, not looking for consolation, but it was just me. First came books ordered from Merlin. This time, mainly the choice of his daughter, ends its third year of study, has worked hard over the past 10 months and be her respite in August, so, it was this time zachciewajki important. Do not think, however, that some sufferers from me, I also like to read this genre, which she loves, so would use the occasion.

From the bottom looking -
  1. Another volume of black stones, all in the house going crazy on the point of this series, could not miss it.
  2. Michal Viewegh - A novel for men - have long wanted to know this writer, but somehow does not consist , benefited from this, as was the restatement. I'm terribly curious it. I wanted to trippers, but this just was not there. This and the next is for me
  3. second by the same author education of girls in the Czech Republic. I hope that I will not disappoint.
  4. M. Kisiel Annuity - all her praise, and it is very much in the style of your favorite my daughter, so I bought
  5. New Pilipiuk Operation Resurrection Day - well, as fun as entertainment, it's just he can entertain and enchant us all, passed from hand to hand
  6. Victoria Tokarev - Love for life - better let it be good, because not enough that almost 20 gold, it's still only 140 pages and is written in oxen, letters are half a meter in height. The trail has hit me, because I wanted to buy another station Taiga Hulovej and I ran out of money. This was cheaper, then you thought - and let. As I saw the tears in my eyes I stood, with so tiny.
No, but these books I had expected, and the best part is that man is not expected. After my post about Jane Austen and her life searching for Obstinate Heart, which is not even here, in libraries, and Amazon only second hand, and such to me, do not send to Ireland, the rain fell on me kindness, and I got up two copies, one from Paris, who asked the trouble and asked a colleague who lives in London, so that it tracked the antique shops. Where's daughter can not instantly friend sent colleague and a book sent to Paris, landed me. Immediately after the fire was immediately ukoiło my shattered nerves. But that's not all because Paris has made me a surprise, and perhaps even more before - she said to me, Barry from Indiana, who this book on ebay tracked and offered to send me. Well is not life beautiful? Not only that, she added one of Jane Austen. So I knew about this from Paris, I would not turn back Kasi's head, but Paris skubaniutka breaches until the last minute.

Uzgodniłyśmy with Kate so that the reference Obstinate Heart it back because it yourself from the heart along with the flesh ripped, it would be unfair if I was two, and she no. I also have miscellaneous prepared for Cathy and she let him have any surprises mail.
latter, it seems interesting, I podczytałam a few pages. I am now 'a-austinowana' and I'll be an expert in this field, haha. Nah, kidding, Padma can sleep peacefully.
already be enough of these surprises, but apparently providence, fate, a creator, as he called as he called, he decided / and that the balance of trauma after the great fire will not be so easy, and just at that time has come another shipment, this time from another blogowiczki Agatha from Cracow - and the package Margaret Ward and her Sailor.

Now I lay przywalona these books, with a big smile on his face and completely, but this did not need me any pills for anxiety, which my doctor has prescribed. How to tick tick boom, more than me. Books that you have made. And goodness gracious friends in real life and blog, from which came the last three. And that the most important is the balance in nature, and now I want to give them a little pleasure, and I'm heading for the hunt, and soon after the post office. But first I have to sniff all of these new arrivals.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Leukemia Damages Liver


Wpisujcie HERE PLEASE COMMENTS ON braids:) HOW ARE YOU LIKE MADE, HOW to wear ..:) AND PLEASE sign a
your name HOW YOU CAN:)

Easton Sv12 Ssv1b Bat Review

Furies - Merek Krajewski. This time in Lviv

This was my first meeting with Marek Krajewski. I know that he wrote a popular series of Wroclaw and Eberhard Mock, but I had no opportunity yet to read. I do not libraries, in addition to this, we run the same as I do not buy for themselves, or to the library, how would it have taken? And all at once is impossible. Although I've always had it in mind, I knew that it's time to Krajewski and Mock, felt by the pantyhose that he would like it to me, but I waited patiently for the occasion. In the meantime, won in a contest for the FB Furies to the library. My husband read it in a jiffy, but then someone grabbed it for rent and somehow I passed up this book. Until colleague, this paper borrow from me, and for me to share audio books, encouraged me to listen to this story. Rather, the radio play, because the music is exacerbating tension, great beyond measure Więckiewicz who says different accents and voice changes, and the fantastic sounds of cabs on the street, etc. And that I stowed away on the radio radioplay trio me to play. Of course, this slows down listening, but not so that I would have to renounce these additional effects. Without exaggeration, where I is in a hurry?
novel itself is impressive. Ashamed to admit that I do not know how much merit in this Robert Więckiewicz, and how much the author himself, but all of it together so cuzamen played that until I sat down with the experience at some point (because I was moving, just cleaned up.)
thing to do in Lviv in 1939. Commissioner Popielski is extremely ruthless and well, he has to deal with the abuser, who murdered a child and in a bestial way, before torturing him. Popielski is epileptic, sharp in the sun can cause another attack, he prefers to work at night. Besides it has a crisis, he wants to leave with the police. Only needs to solve this mystery, as is considered very effective. For Popielskim we go to a psychiatric hospital for spelun and pubs Lviv, dissecting and private housing, and the atmosphere is dark and somehow stifling. I do not know of other books Krajewski, so I can not for Robert Ostaszewski the policy say that all this was that it is secondary and predictable. I can not and will not tell, because for me the first and extremely emotionally I picked up this book. Anyway, fortunately I'm not a literary critic, I write what I like and I like to say that the audiobook Furies is brilliant. Specially written audiobook, because in this case, for me at least, it is so exceptionally prepared and implemented, that a book does not have so I appeal to. And yes, I have the same enthusiastic oh and achy at the mouth.
sure I have read his previous books. Listen to the
Krajewski, what he says about his readers

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shag Bands-colour Meaning

author 'Peace' hold level - Emma Donoghue 'Slammerkin'

Soon After reading 'Room' in the hands of another book caught my Emma Donoghue - Slammerkin (in free translation loose, but loose gown worn at the time by women).
literally fell because I was in a library book and give it to someone to put a cast in front of me on the counter. I knew that I have exams and course, I knew I should not, but I could not resist and I took her home. I wanted to check to see that the writer is only as good as I think after reading this one book? As I expected, I had no time for reading, I started it and I put on the bedside table, podczytywałam with a heavy heart, because stealing time to learn, and when everything pozdawałam, so I had enough English that had to turn to something in Polish and then lay set aside for later. I lost to her heart, but something I was enchanted by this story, something drew her, I decided to give her a chance, in the end is not the fault of the book that fell on evil times. Besides I liked the very cover, she did not innovative, but it attracted my attention as much as the story and did not begin until gave peace.
was fortunate that I gave her no unfinished. Plułabym himself in the chin. Emma Donoghue
this time takes us to the eighteenth century. Based on court documents from the proceedings of Mary Saunders, serving the Welsh province, which killed his mistress, for which he was sentenced to hanging or burning, and perhaps even to both penalties together. In those days it was a noisy affair. For information about the process and remains a story about this girl, Emma creates a fascinating story of growing up and the fall of a young girl. At the time she was hanging just 17, maybe even 16 years. Mary
childhood spent in London, in a poor family Węglarz - her stepfather, father, geek because he brought the family from the Welsh Moumouth (then it was England), to the capital and was descended. She was ambitious, she studied with the nuns, was also wolnomyślicielką and had a big mouth, for which her mother chastised eternally. His mother wanted him to have a good job (sewing), but seen as a mother and daughter was engaging in this profession can not allow yourself to anything, barely make ends meet, and sometimes is not what you put into the pot. She did not want such life. I was vain. Jednago I saw a beautiful color of hair ribbon, and in order to gain its initiation was held for her relationship with a man. She was 14 years old. This gave her confidence that alone can lead their lives. Mother throws her from his house, when it turns out she is pregnant. The street is pojamana by a group of men and raped so that losing a child, surely would die somewhere in the bushes, where he abandoned it, but it deals with a London prostitute Dolly, who takes her to himself, he heals, helps and pulls to the profession.
What happened to the baby, why Mary goes to London and incurs to serve the people, why ultimately kills his mistress, you will learn from a book you do not want to spoil the fun. That killed a known right away, it's not spoiler on my part, all bajer in shifting back in time and understand the motives. Like this story structure.

Throughout the reading of the story was happy with, I was not born in those times, when women were treated instrumentally, as tools for health, cooking and needs of men. Their life in most cases, was devoid of light, destined to grace swoich ojców, potem mężczyzn, nawet jeśli nie były służącymi, i tak wykonywały taką rolę wobec swojego pana, którym był właśnie mąż, czy ojciec, czy brat, u którego były na dożywociu.

Emma Donoghue nie tylko przejmująco pisze o Mary Saunders, ale też wspaniale ukazuje osiemnastowieczną Anglię, Londyn i prowincję, jak wyglądały wtedy miasta, czym się różniła stolica od reszty kraju. Przy okazji poznajemy strukture społeczeństwa w tamtym okresie, jak się objawiał status kobiety, stąd tak ważne miejsce zajmują stroje i kto, jak jest ubrany.
Obserwujemy Mary and her life, first regular street whore, then its efforts to break out of this, climb a rung higher, in those days, a risky decision to move (migration of people were not so discouraged), though the circumstances have helped her to take that step, and that require it from her courage. In all this is a great desire for freedom, and the social, personal, and that it was crucial to her awareness that even a prostitute can be proud, if you have paid for their services, because it gives her freedom. Unprecedented awareness in such a young girl.
Ostatecznie to ją właśnie gubi, niecodzienna u kobiety w tamtych czasach cecha - bezczelność dązenia do samostanowienia o sobie, do bycia panią samej siebie. Mary ma poczucie, że w swojej pani znajduje erzac rodziny i matki, która ją wygnała, ale i to nie pomaga, żeby stłumić jej naturę.

Piękna, wspaniała historia młodej dziewczynki, która dla wybryku staje się kobietą i spełnia swoje przeznaczenie w zaledwie kilka krótkich lat. Chociaż jak się to czyta, ma się wrażenie, że kilka życiorysów mogłaby tym obdzielić. Bo prostytutki w tamtych czasach żyły ostro i umierały młodo. A pity, because Mary had been given the chance, would be a remarkable woman.
I am glad that Emma Donoghue saved her from oblivion. It is a great writer and definitely read her other books yet.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Glory Hole Sacramento, Ca

Why so late I found it where I had my eyes, and more importantly - where the mole was my intuition?

I borrowed this book from Monica of blue bookcase. Been left a little bit, because it is still something unseemly to me to read first, and this club, and it tests again, reached for her only odstatnio.

zatrybiło From the first page. Until my hands were shaking, I could not at all in this book put, and if it had, with great regret. You need to know that when I took her hand, I was so mentally washed, so tired, and exams, and the spring solstice, and the personal turmoil that I just do not expect that I will be able to focus attention on anything, but Margaret Ward, master of words, style and suspense (yes, yes, in this case the suspense), seduced me completely, enough of that, my attention was so focused on this novel, that with reluctance, I managed my thoughts towards other activities or responsibilities.

Content novel is the story of three women, actually four - Sarah, Lena, Monica and Sarah.
Agnes lives in France, after years spent in paid surrogate mother by her mother, it is taken to Paris, in the new environment, little knowing it in total. Their complicated relationship will affect the its life. And memories are not quite arranged in a coherent whole. Lena lives in Poland, studying, students posing ASP, trying somehow to live, but the kidnapping of her sister Sarah, when she was a few years, cast a shadow on the lives of Lena and her father . Monica is
guard on the beach with sand dunes in Leba. Says she was kidnapped and held for several years. As soon begins to unravel her story, the media spin vortex is impossibly hard to keep everything in check, but from what her lawyer? Only if his intentions are pure? I recently read
Room, I know that soon this novel under the Polish title of Peace, will be released in our market, I could not resist the comparison, and there a woman with a child kidnapped by a man being held, and here's a similar story, but how else included.

action keeps you in suspense. I could not wait eagerly turning pages when I find out what happened to Sarah, who he really is Monika, what about Agnes, there is a mystery after all!
is a lot about the internal experiences of the characters, but not weary, it does not seem trivial, on the contrary - it is poignant and true. During the reading, but also outside, when you have a moment off to work, for example, live in a world created by the author, living in these places, follows the heroine as a shadow. It's called a fly on the wall.

Mad to see Margaret Wardy. Now I want to read everything I ever wrote. It will be difficult task, because, unfortunately, looked today, on the occasion of the order of several books, resources, Merlin, and nothing, not one have to offer, except the production in question. Eh, I would have hunted for years. Great sadness.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Make Good Mini Lego

Chmielewska Chmielewska uneven. I know that I risk riots and lynchings, but I am not impressed Lesio

Chmielewska know the child, in 1975 we got from The Simple Life star and so it began. Together with the pious approach to it, I miss distance, to judge her books, just all I like, because it Chmielewska and now.
O 'Lesiu' legends circulate, Lesio cult is a book without a doubt. Strangely never read this novel is not. First, it was not to buy (czytelniczkom younger, I recall that the book does not always zwalały the bookstore shelves and Allegro has always existed, says wymianki, włóczykijki etc), not to get in the libraries, and when I bought it already, did an old number of Title - Put on the shelf and I'll pray to, but God forbid to read, because as you read, what I left? I took her with him on holiday in Sochi, but not I was doing the reading. I could not get through Lesia murdering personnel.
recently took a deep breath and threw the novel to the player. Long ago I got the audiobook from my friend, she knew that I like Chmielewska. I decided that I must face him, because I like it, a fan writer who does not read its flagship novel?
Oh, now it was better to remain in blissful ignorance and the belief that something special to me bypasses. Lesio Unfortunately for me too exaggerated, not that humor attracts me. I do not like jokes in the style of Benny Hill, hammering the heads up and his back, hiding under the table, kicked in the butt and the like.
if the book consists of three parts. In the first Lesio, hated the book because of the lateness handed over to the personnel, he decides to murder her, sees no other choice. His attempts and actions do not play me, surprised me, however, that anyone can now laugh over the descriptions of the guy who tosses up the house with the melting ice. And that his love for Barbara. Pathetic.
Then it was even worse, because the whole architectural studio project decided to steal a competitive individual with a speeding train, who tried to stop dressed as hunchbacked. It was so ridiculous, that it laugh at the description of Lesia rushing with an artificial hump on the track before the train. It was one of the two cases to my amusement when reading this novel. And all those who read, say they are choked, choking, and poured tea while reading it. Well, we have not yet evening, I thought, and started reading the third section (the third convention, because there really is no part as such).
I liked it to me the most, because it most resembled Chmielewska and that I like and appreciate. This time, the studio is coming to a Dane and his struggle with the Polish language, mixing concepts and strange, by Polish standards of behavior, śmieszyły me, but not yet head off, but enough that I was ukontentowana, behold, I found this novel, my beloved Mrs. Joanna .
For one scene was worth the ears to read this book - the one in which team members studio, away for the inventory of the city, entangled in a theatrical production, making measurements, while repeating roles. Until I sat down with the impression, how beautiful is the author wrote. Funny, smart and imaginative. Oh, the humor that I like - situational, arising not from the gags in the style of English comedy, but from the fact that someone did not want to, even as he was funny. As it did in the 'All Red' or 'road side' (for example, when the mother tried to pour the milk and squatted at a moment when a car that looked funny and wprawiło observer in astonishment). Total
sumarrum as a professor would say beginning, I could live without reading this book. Were it not for the last part of the Dane, probably would be even angry that I read it, and it remained a good impression, but not without an awareness that, however, an overstatement.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cool Whip Fruit Salad

Poniedziałkowo u Padma, stosikowo from London, which is an old number - as a mother asked her daughter about the hunt for Jane Austen

First, reported that this week fell into Padma for tea and chatting about books. That means I got a proposed response to the questions, I made myself a cup of tea and wrote a few words that now you can read this blog probably the most famous textbook. There is no question about it - it's an honor.

And besides, I wanted to commend you three items of Jane Austen, które moja córka wytropiła dla mnie w Londynie.

Aż mi głupio do tego się przyznawać, ale zamiast usiąść z nią na spokojnie przed jej wyjazdem i powiedzieć, czego szukam, odwaliłam saty numer i przypomniałam sobie o tym wtedy, kiedy ona już była w Londynie. Rzucilam się do telefonu i oczywiście wysłałąm do niej sto sms-ów z opisem książek, tytułami i ewentualnymi miejscami, gdzie ma ich szukać (i tu przydał się blog Padmy, bo ona tam kiedyś opisywała księgarnie w tej metropolii). Zaczęłam do niej pisać 'wykrzyknikami' - LIST, MUST LIST, and besides biography. There has been slipping slightly, because I really wanted the position of Valerie Grosvenor Myer 'Jane Austen: Obstinate Heart "(in Polish edition title was Jawed heart), but did not remember the author, and ended up on the fact that Michalina bought me another biography, which I have not yet relationship - Andrew Norman 'Jane Austen. An Unrequited Love "

Read and see. The letters that was terribly funny story, because there is nowhere they can get. I wanted a choice, because I knew that I'm not too much money in six volumes. Michalina entered into one of the bookstores, she asked for it and you switch on the eyes, ostentatiously put it on your hands white gloves, he disappeared for a moment and returned to them, holding in her hands clad in white ... The first edition of Jane Austen's letters first volume, for the entire 300 pounds. He did not make them touch the book, turning pages and presented to the visual assessment. The daughter said she was so proud of this one, she had no conscience to tell him that seeking a cheap book to read, and not to hold the cabinet with temperature control and Moisture. Before we went spent several minutes to delight and assured that reflect and come back up. She called me afterwards and said - moms, I'm sorry that I still could not afford, lest you buy it. Dear child. Letters
bought, but the selection (Oxford edition). In addition to this was another item, about which I've never heard it and decided to buy me - 'Jane's Fame' Claire Harman.
I know that for connoisseurs of the subject, such as the Padma, you are probably rather Mountaineering items for the layman. But I do not read much about it, apart from Jane Austen's novels themselves, I'm glad this is how jagged the chopped biscuits. A hunting
Iron Jawed Angels takes to heart. Something I do not have luck with this book.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Preparing Project For New Business

The Bookshop - Penelope Fitzgerald

This inconspicuous książczyna pretty surprised me. I found mention of it in Lirael.
I immediately knew it was something for me. But do not expect to do little more than a hundred pages. In total, I do not like thin księżeczek, but I struggle with that thinking, because I like what that little party, it immediately to anything? It is known that crap.
History describes 40-year struggle of a widow who decides to open a small English town bookstore. Not just anywhere, because in an old house, and for this the one in which haunted.
Immediately after the opening has a few ideas for business development, begins to lead a library, but quickly realizes that the council can not alone. Seeking someone to help and gets her ten-year-resolute. And it made me fool. I thought it would be just another cool story about ujutna mieścinach provincial, in the style chocolates. Although the atmosphere seemed a little dark, but I thought that I'm rather dark inside and it casts a shadow on the perception. But no, in Fitzerald nothing, what would we osłodziło it what happens afterwards.

Because in this novel, nothing goes smoothly, fairly quickly begins kiełbasić a whole gives us a message rather a - there is no justice in this world, sometimes those who are mixed, those who wish us ill , win and nothing to be done.
From the beginning the novel I felt a strange tension, a quiet town like this, like the time goes slowly, but under the cover of September. Then, with the introduction of for-sale 'Lolita' Nabokov, who in his own way, it is the hero of this novel, it begins to happen in the lid and never gives up that refrain.
difficult to write about the content so that it does not betray too much to not spoil you the pleasure of reading. Many of you read in English. This book costs a buck online booksellers (info for those któzy not have access to library books with English-speaking), is also on the reader Googlowym. It is worth to read it, it's worth a moment 'zamieszakać' in Hardborough and find out what happened to the bookstore, which was there once opened.
most captivated me in this novel that she is not sentimental, it is not written as the heartless chronicler, Fitzgerald is economical with words, but he writes so that effortlessly creates the image and the community, and the same main bogaterki.
only 100 something pages, so much emotion, so much content and is great anger at the fact that life is not so simple that even in the books do not find solace. At the same time aware that this is a book so close to life, are also closer to us. For sure I will read her other novels too.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Best Parabolic Antennas

Admiral - dir. Andrei Kravchuk

O people. But I naczekałam for the movie. From the moment I read the pages of Russian, with the spin it until seeing. I only regret that I could not see at the cinema, because battle scenes at sea had to make an impression. Below
paste ang trailer with subtitles, but TU you can see in the Polish version

This is the story of the last years of life of Admiral Kolchak in the hopes that it will stop 'the red plague '. Had he succeeded, world history would turn out differently, I do not know whether it is better, However, whether the unrest would not have won (because of a hungry nation, however, it is difficult to discuss, as evidenced by a French Revolution), but maybe later, maybe more gently, perhaps not with Stalin at the helm? Gdybać hard now, one thing is certain, Kolchak it was a great figure in the history of Russia. Under communism was said of him as a traitor of the Russian people, now you can finally tell his story - about the heroic deeds during the two wars, that was a man of extremely versatile, with his charm and how to work on women, and the fact that it blotted dark night, and his companion spent in camps for over 30 years.
film made with a flourish, a fantastic scene at sea, and the fragments showing the private life in Tsarist Russia - romantic, shot in pastels. Beautiful woman, charismatic men, uniforms and long dresses in the background of war, unrest, evil lurks.

disappeared in this history is lost entirely. Chabieński Constantine is one of my favorite actors, as well as Biezrukow (the game where a brave comrade in the fight against the Red Army - General Kappel)

sing fantastically well, they took part in a concert devoted to songs of Vysotsky, also sing in films, and the latter occurred, even with our young Polish actress who is now extremely popular in Russia.

the end, I watched and I am very pleased with it because it was not just a history lesson, but also like a fairy tale for adults. And now I'm sitting on the network and listen to Russian songs, I'm insane, I know.
(about General Kołaczaku you read TU)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Genital Warts Mucus Discharge

Super Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner - Chmielewska "for economists

Publisher Mark is a great way to work with blogs - and send a list of books we choose. Sure you know, but some do not, because I do not have blogs. And this is the effect that this is the fact that when the little man will be delighted with the book, because it does not get the chance to review, but it chooses itself.
No, but I'm always into the wind, but I wanted terribly to read the position of a case of cannibalism in Russia (I hope nothing pokiełbasiłam) However, this proved to be a stronger call to address the topic of economics, and more specifically - Freakonomics.
Beloved, nothing clever to me in this matter will not hear, there will be no lecture, which is true, and what he does not agree, because I and economics are the two planets, in addition lying far apart. I can not help it, damn bored me thinking about the mechanisms of sale, investment, economic development, etc. Let this deal wiser, and I read, listen to music, flowers smell, the dog chase - live in ignorance of the economy as it does not try on a slipper.
About this item I heard a lot of good, actually about the first part, whether I wanted to buy it for the partner's daughter, a young financier, but it turned out that I have, read, and highly praised.
I saw the title of the second part of the list and ignite the rule, because I knew that only in such form as I manage something on this issue learn to get out of this state amebowatego and no longer be so stupid in this matter, but because it's a shame.
not disappointed. Super Freakonomics is for all - for who knew about - it will be great fun, for the layman - a great załapanie way, what these all mean. Of course it will not make us experts, economists, because it's not textbook, after all.

The Freakonomics authors raise such a broad spectrum of topics, it is difficult to find all the quote.
authors themselves say about their work like this:
"Presented here the stories are set in different landscapes, from the corridors of the closed little world of academic najpaskudniejszych corners of the streets. Many of them are based on the latest scientific research Levitt, others inspired by colleagues economists and engineers, astrophysicists, psychopathic killers, doctors call acute, amateur historians, neuroscientists and transsexuals. Most of these texts can be divided into two categories: always thought you know this, but I really do not know, I never thought that you want to know, but I really want and it very much. "
Did you know for example that development of civilization, urbanization in the nineteenth century, resulted in a serious problem that has been called by economists - the negative externalities? description of these problems would suggest that it is a car, and it really meant is that the little lacking, and the city zalałaby river horse dung and the people themselves completely stopped giving the advice, the amount of fertilizer beyond the means of disposal, so to speak, and here come the aid of automobile, later known as cars. These in turn have their own negative externalities, such as increased emissions of carbon dioxide, which results in finding other sources of energy and so on and so forth. Creative destruction. Progress rescues in one case, destroyed in the second. Without this bad, it's even worse. Or take the case
: Sharks-v-elephants. Here the authors show us the clash of the created image and narzucanego us, for example by the media, the truth, and statistics. Shark attacks a year are recorded more than 60, including four deaths, but the sharks in our consciousness are so horrifying that we have noticed this in the water, we are ready to break the record for fear of swimming speed of a hundred, or fall of a heart attack before they reach us. And elephants? It's such a lovable pet, and you have a trumpet on it pohuśtać have such a benevolent eyes ... which does not change the fact that they kill about 200 people annually. The authors of these examples (there are more), at the very beginning of his book, proving that it is important (and they do), relying on facts, figures, and not on opinions, emotional reactions, and heard anecdotal anomalies.
And just as in Hitchocka, starting with a thick tube, and then the voltage increases.
Interestingly enough, for good :-) feminists - women who work as specialists in their field, who have surrendered, for personal reasons and not for any scientific research, to be clear, sex-change operation, since men earned more and were more appreciated . We can also learn that despite appearances pimp for a prostitute can be 'added value' in a good sense.
Also interesting read about how it ever has in the emergency departments in hospitals, like trying to cope with postpartum fever (and what to do with this doctor), what was the history of the implementation of safety belts in cars, whether it is better to walk, or ride while intoxicated, and whether people are more selfish or altruistic, in some cases. It is interesting to also look at the terrorist attacks, including the September 11, from the point of view of numbers and economics. It's all served with zest and extremely interesting and entertaining way. I tell you I read with pencil in hand, and agape.
I imagine that if an economist wants to read 'your Chmielewska', it would be just super Freakonomics. Amused to zrelaksowałam, I learned many interesting things and understood some of these mechanisms. What more do want from a book of this kind? Great. I recommend with hand on heart.
Thank you for your suggestion publisher sign reading it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

South Park Origami Fortune Teller

Cheesy lostu - Hank Lemańska

did not want to read this book, because being in the error misleading, as Professor Gruchała used to say, I thought this is another production of a young writer for young readers. I will not wallow in lived here years, but I know that I got them two times more than 22, so you know - not for me. And to be clear, nothing I have to first or even second novel for young writers (nothing more than 'envy', that are young and they are writers :-), but what's too much, it's enough. It is rather a 'Whispers' theme attracted me :-)

got this book as a gift, put on the shelf and thought it would be for her daughter to find. Then I read that Hank Lemańska is born in 1959 and to the psychologist, so I thought why not give this book a chance? Then, later I saw a trailer for the series and I thought that if not now, never, because I will attack on TV shortcuts previous episodes, and messengers and so I will know the content. And the exams gave me a pretty hard time, not so much the quantity of material, how much stress, because you know it's old student once at the podium they want to find, and the brain no longer such a sponge, so be careful when zapodawać content, which would leak had not been, I thought that fate just giggles - without straining the coil.

You know what, this is a pretty cool piece of history. I feel a hunger, because the topic might be a little bit can held, more developed, more may be wordy, but on the other hand, do I know? Novels, which the man's guts wypruwają are many, but one that would in all treated in a funny way about adoption of children in difficult circumstances, is not met.
Who knows, maybe this is just a way of compelling content zapodam, but yes, but someone wanted to read about it. Themselves admit that people sometimes do not want.
wondered how such a curiosity in me, what happens when such a priori properly treated the subject as the bodies and trite. And yet turned over the pages eagerly, I wanted to know if this girl wants to throw himself into deep water, but does forgive and choose their former lives. Hey, I'm not so stupid and expect completion of the schematic, as in the romantic comedy, but on the other hand - Who does not like a good romantic comedy, so it may not trąbimy the whole world that I saw only love me, but still records the film broke the audience. Already I'm not talking about my najukochańszym 'You've Got Mail' (known as a bookstore, because Meg, because Tom and I am baba).
And so I flew through more than 200 pages as a storm, do not know when I finished and I felt pity.
consolation can film? Well, some do not like Żmuda-Trzebiatowski, but without exaggeration, I would not cling to it because I do not know why, so it may be that for its flawless beauty for równiutkie teeth, for a figure, or maybe its zawiszczę subconsciously? And, what the hell, he sat down to watch and no fireworks, but there are some kids I like them.

Total summarrum, as she would say from the beginning of a professor of English, but with a French 'r', a book I highly recommend for those seeking a break in a major lekturach, a series that's how they want to, you know some people like and others do not have a TV.
pity that Hank already Lemańska is dead and nothing more to write

PS The book is available on the Merlin for less than 3 gold

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Images Of Highlighted Brown Hair

Nights of rain and stars - Maeve Binchy (audiobook)

My beloved Maeve Binchy, and this time I did not disappoint. Always reach for her, when I read the kind and wise novel, with the rest, as when his beloved grandmother's tales, when a tired child sits down at her feet. The course and exams, and have just finished, I had begun two books, in desperation I reached for the third, because I did not go those, and eventually read the ears, because while commuting on the train, I could hear it in your car.

action of this novel takes place in Greece. Never been there, but I've always wanted. I was wondering how to describe this country or Maeve Binchy. It is well known that, in seeking the right place and topic, which describes a novel happening in the medical community wrote after months of stay in hospital, do not be surprised if it turned out that the place described in Greece were her holiday destination.

on the Greek island of Aghia Anna, four people meet in a tavern. This is a very special night, because then just a cruise ship is burned, and killed people - tourists and Greeks who work there. This tragedy affects all. Join in pain with the owner of the tavern, in the face of this event, their relationship is extremely strengthen as people are on holiday.
Fiona - Irish nurse along with her boyfriend Shane, that no one consumes, Elsa - German TV presenter, David - shy Englishman who runs away from possessive mother and father who can not make a stand, and Thomas - Lecturer university of California, divorced, decided to disappear from sight his ex and her son when she goes out for the second time married. It is the story of one summer, we meet them all one by one, their motives, the story of how they were there, why and what they intend. Resolve to spend more time on the island than they intended, Thomas even a year, meet local people, zżywają with them, especially with Vonni, an Irish middle-aged, who lives there permanently. Conversations with the wise and experienced woman by force, help them make decisions.
This novel has done me well. Melted even in the Greek climate. If you think that is a classic chic-lit, then you are mistaken in error, as he said my mathematician. Anyway, I do not know if I'm going to Binchy uncritical. She can no common history to do something so ujutnego, interesting, touching, words that do not have.
A male dance scene after the funeral of the victims of a fire on board so moved me that I had to stop the car on the track, so I cried. And it's actually much, I have nothing clever to say here, because it is not for wisdom but about feelings. Just an inch Maeve Binchy.

Audiobook read Elizabeth Kiev and doing it well. I love her voice and manner of reading, listening to a few novels by it recorded, and always very happy when I see that once again she is a teacher.

Just two words about this Polish-cover is terrible, once again, in the case of this novel writer for the Polish market - great Skucha. In life I did not buy this book, I was looking for some czytadła, but not stupid. In contrast, our Irish edition has more in the atmosphere was even more fun, but I can not find it. Oh, no luck Maeve Polish editions.