Friday, December 18, 2009

Big Boobs Above 60 Years

In early August, I wrote the first entry in his blog:

"Outside the sun is shining, Gdańsk donned a summer robe, and florists have set up around my car, so the evening will be surrounded by carnations and sunflowers. Gulls crossed the sky, I will miss them, I know it now. "

How much when I was right! Today, less than five months later, florists do not stand around in my car now, no flowers do not grow out of unexpected places - in this place today cm layer of snow lies, all the puddles are frozen, it's winter. Not only will I miss mew, especially I will miss the people of this city.

latest blog entry. What else left to say? How incredibly intense it was a time full of experiences, tasks and challenges? I think it's still clear from what has been written in the blog. Maybe I will tell what awaits me in the near future: From January to March I will benefit from a grant writer in the House of Stuttgart, where I will continue to work on my novel, Gdansk (my second novel.) And in autumn 2010 will be released at last my first novel, "Katzenberg (Top Cat - editor. Crowd.)

And besides - you will not have long to wait for the next blog in my name, which also would combine the Polish-German issues, traveling to the east and at various times with stories of history and literature.

therefore wish all our readers the best of everything and see you soon!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lose Of Verginity Vid


Snow! Gdańsk looks as though it were sugared powder.

After yesterday evening's farewell to copyright, which officially ended the scholarship, the time the blog is slowly going towards the end ...
Yet at least once I find time to write a farewell blog entry that everything happened as expected!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Driver For Sound Blaster Ct4870

's getting very festive

So the day after tomorrow will be the official end of my time in Gdansk. Today, true to my great wish - finally, before my departure from Danzig, began to snow!

What else will I not, then sitting and drinking coffee on Sunday mornings u Pellowskiego on Long. And this time even with a view of whirling flakes of snow before the town hall, when someone opens the door and enters.

must inform the winter so discreetly that, although the author's evening will be held on Tuesday, I will stay here until the end of the week, and it means so much more opportunity to properly cover up the city with snow!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cover Letter Dental Hygienist New Grad


From my time in Gdansk remained little more than a week!
Its end is already visible. Already yesterday gave a lecture at the Center Herder about my stay in Gdansk, my multiple roles and responsibilities here na miejscu.
W przyszłym tygodniu we wtorek odbędzie się oficjalne zakończenie – o godzinie 18.00 w Nowym Ratuszu, w Sali Herbowej, będzie wiele przemówień, a potem rozmowa połączona z czytaniem krótkich tekstów.

Nadszedł zatem moment, by dokonać podsumowania spędzonego tu czasu, tych kilku miesięcy, tego, co one mi dały. Przyjechałam tutaj w środku lata, opuszczam miasto w zimie.
Mogę powiedzieć, że miałam dużo szczęścia, bo znalazłam tutaj dokładnie tyle (a nawet więcej), czego oczekiwałam od Gdańska: substancję miasta, różnorodność, ciekawych people, each of which has its own fascinating story of fate and family.

Yes, even if assimilated as closely as possible the city (just in terms of architecture, as well as geographically), it is probably the most I will miss most of all, people, people from Gdansk.
They are a source of inspiration. What is their background - the city - well I will miss. Nevertheless, it would be good to depart from him, before the eyes of the soul to create it anew. In the process of creating a distance, it is necessary.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How Do Electronic Toys Work


This weekend I made a short trip out of town to Malbork. Has long had a plan, and now, shortly before leaving, I wanted to do this ...
Outside the December train gray, windows were completely steamed up breaths people sitting in the compartment. Somehow, however, got off on the right station.

Short przebieżka around the town until the Malbork castle rozpościerającego on the banks of the River. And the word "develop-pościera" in this context is probably the most accurate term - perhaps it would be really hard to find a similarly large architectural complex.

paid off, and even a lot. Malbork is not only the miracle of late medieval architecture, it is also an encyclopedia of art history and restoration, which tells about who and what destroyed, and who, how and what to rebuild. What we see is only the result, something that at this moment at the end of the chain of events. I just - it is present, which will be developed further.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Discontinued Wrestling Shoes For Sale


Since yesterday, the center of Long Street, just steps from the fountain of Neptune, spreads a dense, high forest. In each If one could think, standing at the other end of Long and gaze toward the next town hall Motława ...
set to a huge Christmas tree there, a few meters high fir tree, and you can not imagine that somewhere in Siberia, growing more beautiful than the specimen here.

so it could at least think of yourself, especially if they have a chance to see the tree before it was decorated .... When
walked past him a few hours after it is set to draw even a bit of forest air, the smell of resin, a wonderful green of the needles barely visible, because the tree was already festooned with garlands of lights in white, red, blue, or in any other colors that were available in boxes with garlands of light.
Well done, just getting closer to Christmas! On Sunday, will be Santa Claus, can not be denied!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Can A Baby Get Addicted To Orajel

air Deutsche Welle

Ferber Café Today I gave an interview to the journalist broadcasting station Deutsche Welle.
When finally the warmth of coffee odtajały noses and hands to us (at night suddenly appeared in the winter of Gdansk, on the lawn in the park and on cars parked on the street lay a frost), and the service was able to convince to turn off the music, conversation was in the direction of German and Polish samopostrzegania and the possible role of "writer's city" in this context.

What is to be achieved, holding such a function ("office", as this position is known in Polish), which can be done? Soon after my arrival to Gdansk, I knew that in any way this can not be compared to the normal operation of the writer.
idea here about something more This activity was also a political message, it was a scholarship to the political dimension.

When asked what this was doing here, followed by one breath, recited all of his duties, a journalist is very surprised and asked, "And all this in 5 months?"
Yes, I said, it's all within 5 months, and at the same I even managed to work a little on a novel from time to time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bell's Palsy Causes Cold Exposure

December 1

On the first day of December has shown himself from his ruthless side - from this morning has taken the light of day is not fully and for two hours daily Szaruga again soon turn into the evening and night black. Even in summer
not never think that I will miss the Christmas fair, stretching along the streets and wprawiającego in a good mood lights and a variety of delicacies Aga ... My friend said that the weekend before the theater is set to a large tent where there will be some stalls ... But it is just not the same.

acquaintance went to Warsaw yesterday irritable. She said that sometimes no longer stand in Gdansk, and the past two years working in the city i mimo to nie może się do niego przyzwyczaić. Teraz odwiedza swoich przyjaciół w stolicy i codziennie korzysta z możliwości wybrania się do 20 różnych galerii i na tyleż wernisaży.

Ja nie mam wielu powodów do narzekania – miasto wielkości Gdańska o wiele bardziej mi odpowiada, a oferty kulturalnej z całą pewnością też tutaj nie brakuje. Sama już nie wiem, ile koncertów, wernisaży i wieczorów autorskich mnie ominęło, bo ja akurat uparłam się, żeby w tym czasie pisać. Nie, do Warszawy nic mnie nie ciągnie!