Monday, December 7, 2009

How Do Electronic Toys Work


This weekend I made a short trip out of town to Malbork. Has long had a plan, and now, shortly before leaving, I wanted to do this ...
Outside the December train gray, windows were completely steamed up breaths people sitting in the compartment. Somehow, however, got off on the right station.

Short przebieżka around the town until the Malbork castle rozpościerającego on the banks of the River. And the word "develop-pościera" in this context is probably the most accurate term - perhaps it would be really hard to find a similarly large architectural complex.

paid off, and even a lot. Malbork is not only the miracle of late medieval architecture, it is also an encyclopedia of art history and restoration, which tells about who and what destroyed, and who, how and what to rebuild. What we see is only the result, something that at this moment at the end of the chain of events. I just - it is present, which will be developed further.


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