Friday, December 18, 2009

Big Boobs Above 60 Years

In early August, I wrote the first entry in his blog:

"Outside the sun is shining, Gdańsk donned a summer robe, and florists have set up around my car, so the evening will be surrounded by carnations and sunflowers. Gulls crossed the sky, I will miss them, I know it now. "

How much when I was right! Today, less than five months later, florists do not stand around in my car now, no flowers do not grow out of unexpected places - in this place today cm layer of snow lies, all the puddles are frozen, it's winter. Not only will I miss mew, especially I will miss the people of this city.

latest blog entry. What else left to say? How incredibly intense it was a time full of experiences, tasks and challenges? I think it's still clear from what has been written in the blog. Maybe I will tell what awaits me in the near future: From January to March I will benefit from a grant writer in the House of Stuttgart, where I will continue to work on my novel, Gdansk (my second novel.) And in autumn 2010 will be released at last my first novel, "Katzenberg (Top Cat - editor. Crowd.)

And besides - you will not have long to wait for the next blog in my name, which also would combine the Polish-German issues, traveling to the east and at various times with stories of history and literature.

therefore wish all our readers the best of everything and see you soon!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lose Of Verginity Vid


Snow! Gdańsk looks as though it were sugared powder.

After yesterday evening's farewell to copyright, which officially ended the scholarship, the time the blog is slowly going towards the end ...
Yet at least once I find time to write a farewell blog entry that everything happened as expected!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Driver For Sound Blaster Ct4870

's getting very festive

So the day after tomorrow will be the official end of my time in Gdansk. Today, true to my great wish - finally, before my departure from Danzig, began to snow!

What else will I not, then sitting and drinking coffee on Sunday mornings u Pellowskiego on Long. And this time even with a view of whirling flakes of snow before the town hall, when someone opens the door and enters.

must inform the winter so discreetly that, although the author's evening will be held on Tuesday, I will stay here until the end of the week, and it means so much more opportunity to properly cover up the city with snow!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cover Letter Dental Hygienist New Grad


From my time in Gdansk remained little more than a week!
Its end is already visible. Already yesterday gave a lecture at the Center Herder about my stay in Gdansk, my multiple roles and responsibilities here na miejscu.
W przyszłym tygodniu we wtorek odbędzie się oficjalne zakończenie – o godzinie 18.00 w Nowym Ratuszu, w Sali Herbowej, będzie wiele przemówień, a potem rozmowa połączona z czytaniem krótkich tekstów.

Nadszedł zatem moment, by dokonać podsumowania spędzonego tu czasu, tych kilku miesięcy, tego, co one mi dały. Przyjechałam tutaj w środku lata, opuszczam miasto w zimie.
Mogę powiedzieć, że miałam dużo szczęścia, bo znalazłam tutaj dokładnie tyle (a nawet więcej), czego oczekiwałam od Gdańska: substancję miasta, różnorodność, ciekawych people, each of which has its own fascinating story of fate and family.

Yes, even if assimilated as closely as possible the city (just in terms of architecture, as well as geographically), it is probably the most I will miss most of all, people, people from Gdansk.
They are a source of inspiration. What is their background - the city - well I will miss. Nevertheless, it would be good to depart from him, before the eyes of the soul to create it anew. In the process of creating a distance, it is necessary.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How Do Electronic Toys Work


This weekend I made a short trip out of town to Malbork. Has long had a plan, and now, shortly before leaving, I wanted to do this ...
Outside the December train gray, windows were completely steamed up breaths people sitting in the compartment. Somehow, however, got off on the right station.

Short przebieżka around the town until the Malbork castle rozpościerającego on the banks of the River. And the word "develop-pościera" in this context is probably the most accurate term - perhaps it would be really hard to find a similarly large architectural complex.

paid off, and even a lot. Malbork is not only the miracle of late medieval architecture, it is also an encyclopedia of art history and restoration, which tells about who and what destroyed, and who, how and what to rebuild. What we see is only the result, something that at this moment at the end of the chain of events. I just - it is present, which will be developed further.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Discontinued Wrestling Shoes For Sale


Since yesterday, the center of Long Street, just steps from the fountain of Neptune, spreads a dense, high forest. In each If one could think, standing at the other end of Long and gaze toward the next town hall Motława ...
set to a huge Christmas tree there, a few meters high fir tree, and you can not imagine that somewhere in Siberia, growing more beautiful than the specimen here.

so it could at least think of yourself, especially if they have a chance to see the tree before it was decorated .... When
walked past him a few hours after it is set to draw even a bit of forest air, the smell of resin, a wonderful green of the needles barely visible, because the tree was already festooned with garlands of lights in white, red, blue, or in any other colors that were available in boxes with garlands of light.
Well done, just getting closer to Christmas! On Sunday, will be Santa Claus, can not be denied!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Can A Baby Get Addicted To Orajel

air Deutsche Welle

Ferber Café Today I gave an interview to the journalist broadcasting station Deutsche Welle.
When finally the warmth of coffee odtajały noses and hands to us (at night suddenly appeared in the winter of Gdansk, on the lawn in the park and on cars parked on the street lay a frost), and the service was able to convince to turn off the music, conversation was in the direction of German and Polish samopostrzegania and the possible role of "writer's city" in this context.

What is to be achieved, holding such a function ("office", as this position is known in Polish), which can be done? Soon after my arrival to Gdansk, I knew that in any way this can not be compared to the normal operation of the writer.
idea here about something more This activity was also a political message, it was a scholarship to the political dimension.

When asked what this was doing here, followed by one breath, recited all of his duties, a journalist is very surprised and asked, "And all this in 5 months?"
Yes, I said, it's all within 5 months, and at the same I even managed to work a little on a novel from time to time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bell's Palsy Causes Cold Exposure

December 1

On the first day of December has shown himself from his ruthless side - from this morning has taken the light of day is not fully and for two hours daily Szaruga again soon turn into the evening and night black. Even in summer
not never think that I will miss the Christmas fair, stretching along the streets and wprawiającego in a good mood lights and a variety of delicacies Aga ... My friend said that the weekend before the theater is set to a large tent where there will be some stalls ... But it is just not the same.

acquaintance went to Warsaw yesterday irritable. She said that sometimes no longer stand in Gdansk, and the past two years working in the city i mimo to nie może się do niego przyzwyczaić. Teraz odwiedza swoich przyjaciół w stolicy i codziennie korzysta z możliwości wybrania się do 20 różnych galerii i na tyleż wernisaży.

Ja nie mam wielu powodów do narzekania – miasto wielkości Gdańska o wiele bardziej mi odpowiada, a oferty kulturalnej z całą pewnością też tutaj nie brakuje. Sama już nie wiem, ile koncertów, wernisaży i wieczorów autorskich mnie ominęło, bo ja akurat uparłam się, żeby w tym czasie pisać. Nie, do Warszawy nic mnie nie ciągnie!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Maintenance Plan For Laser Printers

Smile please! A mirror image

Dzisiaj – szary, deszczowy dzień, już about a third day began like twilight ... designed to ensure that you spend it at home, sitting in a chair with large quantities of tea and a good book.
But what do I do if someone is still pulling out, because I feel that if they do not come outside and not from the streets, it's something in this city will miss?

then remains to dress in a raincoat, put the winter boots (high profile!) I; forward in spite of rain and chłodowi. It is known that you can meditate in any weather, so lost in thoughts walked through Downtown with a hood pulled down over his forehead deeply. Even the pigeons were sitting completely drenched and matted on the stairs of the Artus Court - it was a pitiful sight.

my mood, though muffled, was not at all bad, everyone knows what facial expression is the man when he is focused ... Well, when I was going to turn into Lektykarską, jumped in front of me an elderly German tourist and cheerfully exclaimed, " Smile please! "
There's nothing like chaps, which does not leave a good mood!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Bmi For Small Bone Structure

St. John's today in the street near my apartment, I experienced something alluring - a man carried a Baroque mirror, holding them to the side, under his arm, and actually taszczył them because it was so heavy.
When crossing the street, holding a mirror just at such an angle that was reflected in the part of St. Mary's Church and located at the park ...
unreal reality! ... This is what can cause this much of - surprise the fact that there is not only the reality of the world around us, but also the reality of mirrors.

a pity that I failed to timely bring my camera to capture this double Gdańsk. In any event, immediately thought about the role of literature, of course, first of all literature related to Gdansk.
She is also trying to portray Gdańsk and makes it as if it actually presented, but it is always mirror reality. It's all just so it looks like, but it is really something else - a parallel dimension. Literature.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Add Minutes To Roshan Account


coming to the conclusion that the "official" a place that most often visited during my stay here is the post office on Long Street. Today again I was there to buy some Christmas cards and cardboard package holiday ... I love to come to the post office, sit on the oak benches, stroke lion's head, which the banks are closed and look at the wall zdobiącemu reliefowi with pigeons.

Often tourists come there, just like that, to look at as it is in the middle. Mail room definitely belongs to these premises in Long, which is necessarily a must see. I am sure that many people take a small number of the machine at the entrance just for fun.

So many times you've been impressed by the relief with the theme of pigeons, but only recently, when I wanted to transfer some money, and this time the room came a group of preschoolers-mail, I understand their deeper meaning.
kindergarten teacher asked youngsters what they see up there - Pigeons! - And then explained to them that they are there because in the old days it was the pigeons brought the mail.
"I do not believe it," he said at one of the kids.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sample Of A Welcome Speech For Church

Color. Coloration

long walk through the Old Lower Town and suburbs of Alexander Masłowskim, known in the city (and beyond), an expert in Gdansk. That's what the on one of his websites ( ) was also applied during the walk - acquiring and understanding of history through personal history, the history of "ordinary" people and places.

Great story known to everyone. Only know a small few. Even if it is seasoned with anecdotes, legends, fairy tales, myths - all this belongs to what we call history, we define as a human. History is not anything else.
completely different relationship (any relation) takes the Bastion and St Bison. Gertrude, when you hear the story about the fact that between them, on the edge of the moat, lies buried, a German soldier who was shot here. And the rustling reeds in the ears - natural, like a whisper. History has become so immediate, overwhelming.

Walking unevenly across the tracks leading to the old freight station, went on to Stone Lock. From there we went to the ruins of the house, at which the three blocks are stacked, somehow, to this Not once so far they have not noticed.
When we approached nearer, I recognized a monument to those who died during the First World War - with subtitles made carefully polished Fraktur. Alexander explained to me that this memorial was transferred here from one of the surrounding countryside, presumably to destroy it. A few meters behind the statue lay jaw, probably a dog.

Friday, November 20, 2009

More Facts Of Triple X Syndrome

Oliwa Forests

November spoiled city - crystal clear air and dazzling sun! Departure from Andrew to Oliva. First obligatory stroll wheel fast asleep villa (immediately came to my mind Sleeping Beauty!), then path led next to the park and the cathedral, along Market until we left behind the mill.

On the road leading up to the viewing platform leaves spread out on your knees! Brodziliśmy in beech leaves as children, we laughed until we rozbolały hoarse throat and the cool air. Breathing hard, we got up, looked toward the sea, you could see the back of St. Mary's Church, far left Sopot, and behind us - Forests, moraines. So beautifully that it is breathtaking.

Andrew said that in Sopot you can even go skiing. Admittedly not quite as in the mountains, but it is always something ...
slowly come to the conclusion that it is impossible in Gdansk, just what does not exist.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ideas For Towel Wraps

Ex oriente lux

early in the morning, very early in the morning before the sun has time wzejść completely, the only company on the Motława are anglers. The town itself is still asleep, and swept St. Mary's Street, silence and peace.
przemknie Sometimes a cat somewhere. You can not see and did not hear any birds. You could almost hear the water chlupoczącą of Long Bridge, it was so quiet today in the morning.

and therefore I must tread lightly so as not to make noise, do not wake up people. I'm going quietly in getting a clearer light wstającego day - a friend had a night duty in the police and invited me to wczesnoranne breakfast with coffee and donuts.

Lower City at dawn - yet more distant from reality, more sleepy than usual. It seems that the other side of the river is still night, despite the lights, which come from the east, Spreading on the roofs and homes ...

apartment next step is Andrew. I go out on a small balcony on the eighth floor - here is blowing hard at the top - and look at Biskupia Hill. In the hands of hot coffee - now I can wake up together with Gdansk.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Numbness In Arm And Pill

Educational Odyssey by Gdańsk! In any case, these had an impression ...
began today at seven in the morning by a passing tram Wrzeszcz to Oliva, the University of Gdansk. There he waited at the Institute Germanistyki dozens of students, which I carry out a small block of seminar: About the new German literature of the last ten to twenty years, and a short course of creative writing.

The professor, who usually carry out these activities (literature of the twentieth century) told me is true in advance that are students five semester, but I was surprised by their foreign language skills. And then, being there, on the third floor of the university, at 8 am, peaceful feeling came over me luck - as it is great that in Gdansk are so well educated, bilingual people ... At the moment it was for me an excellent reference to past times, it was aware (Linguistic), against which one can only bow his forehead.

course it took place at the Institute Germanistyki, on the street, although it can be to find something like that, but certainly less often ... But still, it's amazing how much coming and building consent may be the fact that mastery of a foreign language. Especially when it is a language with so much in common with the place in which to live.

next week so the next part of the seminar: Sketchy characters and spaces, location, atmosphere. But first, I was waiting for a large dose of tea - After classes at the university was a meeting at the Center for Herder, where in early December, I also had a lecture. (For more detailed information I give in the near future).

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mixer Shower Attachment Rubber

Busy day Lower Light Wrzeszcz

Do not brag about it come Sunday week - because if they have had beautiful weather yesterday, today there is only a cold wet November ... Everything is veiled mist from time to time the sky decides to drain a little drizzle. Despite this, Michael, his young son Matthew and I decided to finally go for a walk, which has long been said -
the Lower Langfuhr, where Michael spent his childhood. We walked around

Storchenhaus ["Stork house" - a common name for the pre-war maternity clinic, currently No. 2 Hospital - editor. transl.] ("Grass was born here and I") and further to a pipe shearing, where band guys from that time, bathed in the summer, to leave after the willows on a small sandy shore. Ships Forest, jumped out of the water, escaping with a scream before the leeches. Today Strzyża is regulated, integrated with it, there is little room for fantasy and fun for children. Now it's memories, which can be shared with others ... They are always just.

Then around Haller Street - a shop where the boys seemed all his pocket money on cars and chewing gum with stickers. Small treasures. Then, as he told Michael, there were almost no cars here (and it was not 50, just 20 years ago), it was too much brush and shrubs more than today. Every morning the whole orchestra rehearsed here sparrow his symphonies.

Haller Garden neighborhood near where it was on someone else's strawberries and other fruits, the park, which enjoyed the war. All of a sudden it got so small. Little Matt every time he did the big eyes, when his father told him that he played here as a boy. As if listening to the history of the old, old times.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Anti-freezepokemon Soul Silver

much as you want

Today, again the first time in a long time - a sunny day with such power that's before noon was not able to keep me at my desk, so jumped in his wool sweater and ran out of the staircase on the street, sucked greedily gulp of air and the sun blinded his eyes narrowed.

No doubt these were standard conditions on my route through the Lower Town, to the lock, and finally, near the ramparts around the Old Square Wałowego Suburb. For the first time this fall, it was so cold that the saliva spilled by someone on the sidewalk was frozen, the ice mirrors, small puddles strongly reject the splendor of the sun's rays back up. Every hole, every angle and every corner of the street was bathed in light: Łąkowa kiosks in courtyards, gardens before crumbling villas.

It was light as a knife sections, nothing before him hid. There he hid dropping plaster on the garages at the Good or finely polished at the balcony railing Polna or Green. On the back of the Motława sat more anglers than usual, as if they were just waiting for good weather, though, and the fish were waiting for good weather, and as if both parties last an appointment.

near the sluice works, and so stretch a hat on his face and quickly walk away, with a traditional lowland Gate chaos, driving cars, as usual, gathered in the Lower Town and suburbs. You have to resist this natłokowi, climb a bastion of Bison and stamtąd popatrzeć sobie na Biskupią Górkę; nie, lepiej pójść na Plac Wałowy, zajrzeć do Wydziału Rzeźby w Małej Zbrojowni, sprawdzić też, czy stara fontanna zapełniła się już po brzegi butwiejącymi liśćmi (zapełniła się).
I wreszcie droga powrotna przez Rzeźnicką. Czar nagle uleciał. Pozostał jednak za mną, na Placu Wałowym – tam jest jego dom.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Best Buget Av Receivers

Dzisiaj, 11 listopada, Polska obchodziła Święto Niepodległości – dokładnie 91 lat temu, po zakończeniu pierwszej wojny światowej, odzyskała ponownie suwerenność. It is therefore not only Independence Day, but also a day of joy and patriotism - on the walls of every house waving a white and red flags, the children running around with flags, some are the size of their faces, others as big as themselves.

It was a state of emergency Wednesday! All shops closed (almost all - and those few people thronged the open, stood in queues for outgoing into the street. To buy the two apples I was standing probably 10 minutes before the shop on Ogarna), open cafes in the city center were completely overcrowded. Well, these migrants crowds of people!

Who would have thought of something like that in August, when he dragged wide and long clusters of tourists? And now, in November, went out of their homes and took possession of the City Centre Gdanskers! Human weight in white and red.
All who zagapili and today there were still in the hands of any flag, flags, scarves and jackets in those colors could be provided with a woman standing with a small truck at the intersection of Textiles and Long - there was everything a patriotic heart desires, lay in a wheelchair and waiting for buyers. However

most of the passers-by were already well equipped. But one could never buy, because it was beautiful to look at it - the joy and the cheerful mood of the people around you.
was accompanied by a feeling that not only rejoiced because they had the day off from work, but also because it was something to celebrate.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Hair Is Red/brown Can I Use Born Blonde

Heritage Independence Day and quotes

Even if the image (streets) of the city changes with the course of history, many of his old items can still recognize, even if they have not been restored or rebuilt with faithful and detailed. The architecture also can be cited, drawing on the rich heritage of the city's history and its development.

The area I live in all but the churches at the beginning and end of the street, it was necessary to rebuild. Not kept up with it every detail. Although it was adjusted to the (formerly) dominant style here - buildings reconstructed peak, narrow facades. Of course, the buildings here are not as finicky as the Long and Beer, however - survived the appropriate forms.

Architectural styles vary, are subject to constant mutation (sometimes dubious consequences "Evolution" can be found perhaps in the world) - though still manages to return to their own heritage of aesthetic, reconciling progress with tradition.

Among the most successful representatives of the newest architecture, which competes with the Hanseatic, Gdansk style, there are several houses standing between the Old Suburb and Lower Town, in addition to projects of a complex of buildings near the Crane also inspired by the art of mimicry - the abusers to blend in with the surroundings and as far as possible, not thrown in his eyes. This involves the acquisition of form, playing with the choice of material - a lot of windows, glass, dividing the façade.

Gdańsk - the place alive and growing. It is worth a look at the present and look to the future, not only in the past!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monica Roccaforte Boazona

Gdansk dimension

In the evening drinking beer in a bar at the end of Wide (at a distance of 528 meters from my apartment, 498 meters from the church of St. Mary's and 30.5 feet from Motława, if someone wanted to find her) I came across two young German tourists, a pair which, after a moment's hesitation accosted me. Never before
were not in Poland, so it's their first time - a step to the east, and immediately to Gdansk. They told me how long Thinking about where to spend vacation.

trip to Gdansk, it is not a decision we take a walk, it's definitely aware of the journey. Often associated with this family history, and if they are not the memories of our grandmothers and grandfathers, we certainly heard about it in history class.

Therefore, young tourists from Germany, you can meet far less frequently than those from the older generation. This, however, at any time may change because if someone resigned from the trip to Majorca, or to London to Gdansk, it is a matter of wide-open eyes and flushed face. Young couple was extremely delighted with the stay in the city, said that now they will go anywhere, will be a pleasure Gdańsk. If you get Gdańsk be European Capital of Culture, which I very much wish him to be, then hopefully it will become a destination for even more people, including those who are not associated with him through family history.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How Long Does Ciprales

Invariably, I am fascinated Gate Lowlands, the old wooden doors with iron fittings, and the resulting traffic chaos in it. And besides - its roofs and thick walls on the meter! Because it reaches so few tourists here have to the old gate of the city a much more personal approach than, for example, whether upland Gate Golden Gate. Gates for me are something special. Are key to the city, are its cover and also a business card.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tax Return Direct Deposits On Tuesdays

Lowland Gate Weather and writing

's the way it is - cold, rain, snow, forcing man to withdraw into themselves. I recall a recent conversation, which was raised the question of what factors might have an impact on the shaping of cultures (even in the Mediterranean region compared with regions located further north), of course, appeared at the same time as the weather and all its implications for the conditions for farming and human activities.

Many of these considerations is of course speculation, because, for example in Central Europe is located roughly in the same zone, the weather - although it developed its so very different culture. And perhaps we should look at this another way: Are they so different from each other?
drove too far, however, I wanted to write about something completely different (even if, to which I have to admit these thoughts preoccupy me more - and never at the same time I can get rid of the belief that I'm chimera, half German and half Polish).

Specifically - cold, rain, snow, forcing the writer to go back into themselves. Now you finally and irrevocably in Gdansk will be ugly. The wind whips and breaks up the last leaves from trees, a small park outside my window all died, the list is dwindling, even the exact clone of growing unless the St. Mary Church.
Rain and sleet will bring even the greatest lover walks back to his desk, his hand to attract a pencil and lead him on sheets of paper hung on the wall.

All this substance that has been absorbed, will now be transformed into fiction, into something spontaneous. Old Suburb and the Lower Town, fortifications. Wake up to new life on paper, very soon, and meanwhile the rain pushing on the glass.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Indoor Public Basketball


trip with Andrew to Jaśkowego Forest. First, a long walk through Wrzeszcz road that runs next to his family home, already in the immediate vicinity of the forest, and finally - we enter into it. There is a wonderful pagórkowato, the substrate of the forest meets the adventurers and cut down the gentle waves under their feet and their heads high above the hum buki nieopadłymi still leaves. Their slender trunks are standing at a great distance from each other, is clear and it is light.

Andrew talks about the endless downhill on a sled through the woods, when he was a child - and that today many routes, which came down long ago fell into oblivion. What it must have been fun, in the elemental whirl, the snow, forest land, surrounded by crystal clear air ...

Tour - complemented by the shady walk near the mansion, during which wyciągaliśmy necks and imagined, as if we lived in their interiors - took place just at the right time. This is because when we were
before Gutenberg monument, it occurred to me that just a few days ago I read about this place Jaśkowego Forest in "Dog Years". The increase, which stood Gutenberg Children seemed scary - you did with Jenny Tull snowman, and nearby, the Steffensweg (today's street Batory), Matern also did the Eddie Amsel and Golden smiley snowman. I congratulated Andrew

better childhood memories. However, we wzdrygnęliśmy a little in passing Gutenberg - Several suspicious characters became crowded around him, and circulated hand to hand a bottle of vodka. This view has meant that these improvements step. You never know what might happen.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Water Softener Seborrheic

Valley St. Mary's Church, and I

writers have a habit of staring. They can do this for hours, with eyes fixed on the wall, a cup of coffee, a laptop, but most look out the window. I daresay that the writer looks out the window more than he writes, so if someone says that for five hours he was a writer (which anyway is impossible without a break), then I say: Yes, but in the three hours watching out the window!

The blog has already published several photos showing the view from my window, these are photos of a small park, and rising behind the church St. Mary's. Every day, enclosed tower - happens to be in the restaurant, so it is packed in a material that during the last storm, and so was unable to stop the falling bricks - looks over my shoulder, watching me as I write.

not want to be pathetic, but I really became very close to it, what is more - has become almost an essential attribute of the writer, something that in my view, it allows me to better focus, persevere longer at their desks, this church just watching over me and jealously controlling my time.

Kościół Mariacki. Do tej pory zdążyłam go dokładnie poznać, znam w nim wszystkie wejścia i wyjścia, portale, wytarte kamienne płyty, kaplice, zegary, drewniane rzeźby, ołtarz. Czuję się w nim jak w domu. Kiedy mam już dosyć siedzenia przy biurku, a wiem, że nie mam dość czasu na spacer lub wypad w miasto, wtedy idę właśnie tam i parę razy obchodzę wkoło wnętrze kościoła, za każdym razem odkrywając jakiś nowy szczegół.

Co ja pocznę bez niego, już wkrótce? Zastanawiam się nad fototapetą. Jakoś trzeba ten problem rozwiązać.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Commemorative House Bricks

Maternity allowance.

maternity allowance as a benefit enjoyed by the insured under the provisions of the Law of 25.06.1999 on cash benefits from social insurance for sickness and maternity.

insured entitled to maternity allowance, which during sickness or maternity leave during the period:

1) had a baby,

2) adopted a child aged under one year of education and applied the guardianship court concerning his adoption. Provision This shall apply mutatis mutandis to the insured.

3) adopted a child aged under one year of education in the care of the family, except serve as a foster family emergency. This provision shall apply mutatis mutandis to the insured.

Where entitlement to maternity allowance arose in the period of parental leave, maternity allowance is paid for the corresponding period of maternity leave which falls after the birth.

Moreover, if the death of the insured or the abandonment by her Child allowance is also granted to the insured - the child's father or other insured, if the break employment or other gainful activity in order to provide personal care for the child.

Maternity Childbirth granted for a period determined provisions of the Labor Code as a period of maternity leave leave or maternity leave under the terms of .

Height maternity allowance is 100% of its base dimension. The basis of the maternity allowance shall be the same rules as the basis for sickness benefit.

entitled to maternity allowance even after termination of health insurance if the insurance is terminated during pregnancy 1) due to bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, 2) violation of the law established by a final court decision.

Insured being a worker, which dismissed during pregnancy due to liquidation or bankruptcy of the employer and not provided with alternative employment are entitled to a day of giving birth allowance in the amount of maternity allowance.

In the case of a renewal contract with the worker during pregnancy until birth - maternity allowance granted after termination of insurance.

not entitled to maternity allowance ( analogous application of the rules on sick pay ):

For the periods in which the insured pursuant to the provisions on remuneration, retains the right to remuneration. These periods included in the benefit period,

for the period of unpaid leave, detention, imprisonment.

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Sickness Benefit

Sick as a benefit enjoyed by the insured, whose inability to work resulted from an accident at work or occupational diseases under the provisions of the Act dated 30.10.2002 on the social insurance of occupational accidents and occupational diseases.

Sickness from accident insurance insured is entitled, whose inability to work resulted from an accident at work or illness professional dimension 182 days regardless of insurance periods, from the first day of incapacity for work due to accident at work or occupational disease (not known. "waiting period" , as in the case of sick pay paid by the sickness insurance. Employees entitled to sick pay paid by the sickness insurance for eligible only for a period of incapacity to work for a total of more than 33 days), but is not payable for periods of incapacity for work due to accident or occupational disease for which an insured under separate regulations shall be entitled to compensation, salaries, scholarships. Sickness benefit is 100% of the base, ie the underlying dimension of accident insurance (which, for the insured who are employees receive a salary) The right to unemployment benefit and unemployment benefit shall be paid: 1) if the contribution payer is obliged to establish the right to benefits in the event sickness and maternity benefits and their distribution, 2) Social Security in other cases.

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compensatory nursing allowance, medical expenses

up benefit - is paid to an insured who is an employee, whose salary has been reduced due to permanent or long-term injury. Compensatory allowance who is entitled to an insured worker with a reduced capacity to work, performing work: allowance
is regulated by the Act on cash benefits from social insurance for sickness and maternity (OJ 05.31.267).

in capital or capital between the vocational rehabilitation center, at the employer's a separate workstation, adapted to the needs of adaptation or a job, apprenticeship

if his monthly salary reached during the rehabilitation period is lower than the average monthly wage.

compensatory allowance the difference between the average monthly remuneration determined by the rules applicable in determining the sickness benefit and the monthly remuneration for the work achieved in terms of vocational rehabilitation.

The need to conduct rehabilitacji zawodowej orzeka wojewódzki ośrodek medycyny pracy lub lekarz orzecznik ZUS.

Zasiłek wyrównawczy przysługuje przez okres rehabilitacji .

Prawo do zasiłku wyrównawczego ustaje :

1) z dniem zakończenia rehabilitacji zawodowej i przesunięcia do innej pracy, nie później jednak niż po 24 miesiącach od dnia, w którym ubezpieczony będący pracownikiem podjął rehabilitację,

2) jeżeli z uwagi na stan zdrowia ubezpieczonego będącego pracownikiem rehabilitacja profession has become pointless.

allowance is not entitled to compensatory insured who is an employee entitled to a pension for incapacity for work.

Carers Allowance - is paid on the terms and amount specified in the law on pensions from the Social Insurance Fund. Carers Allowance is entitled to the person entitled to a pension if the person has been declared totally unfit for work and live independently or being 75 years of age, except that the person entitled to pension staying in a social welfare in the care and treatment or at the care institution is not entitled to attendance allowance, unless it is absent from the institution for a period longer than 2 weeks in a month.

attendance allowance is now 153.19 zł per month.

cover the cost of treatment in dentistry and vaccinations (unless they are reimbursed on the basis of separate regulations) that the insured has been addressed by the medical expert at the request of the treating physician and orthopedic supplies to the extent specified by law.

costs are covered by accident fund that is earmarked fund under the Social Insurance Fund, referred to in the Act of 13 October 1998 on social insurance system. Benefits of dental and immunization and provision of orthopedic implemented by medical institutions chosen by the Social Insurance Institution.

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Compensatory Allowance Carer

compensatory allowance who is entitled to an insured worker with a reduced capacity to work, performing work:

1) in the capital or the capital of vocational rehabilitation center,

2) the employer on a separate workstation, adapted to the needs of adaptation or a job, apprenticeship

achieved if his monthly during rehabilitation salary is lower than the average monthly wage.

compensatory allowance is the difference between the average monthly remuneration determined by the rules governing the calculation of basis for sickness benefit and the monthly remuneration for the work achieved in terms of vocational rehabilitation.

The need to carry out vocational rehabilitation rules county occupational center or doctor ZUS.

compensatory allowance granted for a period rehabilitation.

right to compensatory allowance ceases :

1) the date of completion of vocational rehabilitation and transfer to another job, but no later than 24 months after the date on which an insured worker who has taken the rehabilitation

2) if due to the state of health who is an employee of vocational rehabilitation has become pointless.

allowance is not entitled to compensatory insured who is an employee entitled to a pension for incapacity for work.

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Carer insured is entitled liable to compulsory insurance for sickness dismissed from work due to the need personal custody:

first child aged 8 years to complete if:

a) the unexpected closure of the nursery school, kindergarten or school to which the child attends,

b) the birth or illness of the insured's spouse, continually caring for the child, if the confinement or illness prevents this spouse of nursing,

c) the residence of the spouse of the insured, always caring for the child, in a stationary plant health care,

second sick child at the age of 14 years to complete,

third another sick family member (spouse's parents, in-laws, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, children's area. 14 years-if it remains in the same household).

care allowance granted for a period of exemption from work because of the need for personal care, but not longer than the period:

first 60 days per calendar year, if care is a healthy child the age of 8 years or sick child under the age of 14 years,

second 14 days in a calendar year, if care is exercised over other family members.

care allowance is vested jointly in the care of children and other family members in the dimension of a maximum of 60 days per year.

monthly care allowance is 80% of the base benefit.

care allowance shall not be granted outside the insured if there are other family members remaining in the same household, likely to provide care for a child or a sick family member. This does not include care provided to sick children under the age of 2 years.

care allowance is also not payable ( analogous application of the rules on sick pay ):

- for periods in which the insured pursuant to the provisions on remuneration, retains the right to remuneration. These periods included in the benefit period.

- for periods of unpaid leave, parental leave, temporary arrest, imprisonment (unless you work for consideration based on the referral). These have not included in the benefit period.

- if the insured uses a release from work in a manner inconsistent with its purpose or is gainfully employed

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Maternity entitled insured, which during sickness or maternity leave during the period:

1) was born child

2) the adopted child under the age of one year for care and went to court on the welfare of its adoption. This provision shall apply mutatis mutandis to the insured.

3) adopted a child aged under one year of education in the care of the family, except serve as a foster family emergency. This provision shall apply mutatis mutandis to the insured.

Where entitlement to maternity allowance arose in the period of parental leave, maternity allowance, payable for a period corresponding of maternity leave which falls after the birth.

Moreover, if the death of the insured or the abandonment of her child allowance is also granted to the insured - the child's father or other insured, if the interval of employment or other gainful activity in order to provide personal care for the child.

Maternity Childbirth eligible for Labor Code provisions set out as a period of maternity leave leave or maternity leave under the terms of .

Height maternity allowance is 100% of its base dimension. The basis of the maternity allowance shall be on the same principles as the basis for sickness benefit.

entitled to maternity allowance even after termination of health insurance if the insurance is terminated during pregnancy 1) due to bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, 2) violation of the law established by a final court decision.

Insured being a worker, which dismissed during pregnancy because of liquidation or bankruptcy of the employer and not provided with alternative employment are entitled to the benefit of labor in the amount of maternity allowance.

In order to prolong the contract of a worker during pregnancy until birth - maternity allowance granted after termination of insurance.

not entitled to maternity allowance ( analogous application of the rules on sick pay ):

 For the periods in which the insured pursuant to the provisions on remuneration, retains the right to remuneration. These periods include to the benefit period,

for the period of unpaid leave, detention, imprisonment.

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Sickness - the period of insurance, benefit period

emergence of inability to work due to illness means the loss of the right to remuneration which, in accordance with the Code work is paid for the work performed. The role of the allowance is therefore not to replace those derived from the earnings due to illness. However, if the rules allow an employee to retain the right to remuneration is not entitled to benefits.

Insured acquires sick after so. qualifying period ie

1) after 30 days of uninterrupted sickness insurance - subject to obligatory insurance,

2) after 180 days of uninterrupted health insurance - if you are insured on a voluntary basis, (eg for work on the basis of agency agreements or orders, or cooperate in its implementation).

The periods of sickness, from which the subject is entitled to sickness benefits are included in the previous periods of sickness, both mandatory and voluntary, if the interval between them does not exceed 30 days or was due to parental leave, maternity leave or a free serving of the active military service by a non professional soldier.

From the first day of sickness insurance (so no waiting period) the right to sickness allowance:

first graduates of schools or universities, who were covered by sickness insurance or health insurance came to within 90 days from the date of graduation or to obtain a higher education diploma,

second if the inability to work resulted from an accident on the way to or from work,

third compulsorily insured persons who have at least the previous 10-year period of compulsory sickness insurance,

4th Members and Senators, who joined the health insurance within 90 days of completion of tenure.

insured entitled to sickness benefit, which became unable to work due to illness for the duration of sickness insurance. On a par with the inability to treat inability to work: 1) by a decision issued by the competent authority on the base currency. legislation on contagious diseases and infections, 2) due to the presence of alcohol treatment centers in the plant to treat alcohol addiction, from drugs or subst. Psychotropic; 3) due to undergo medical tests needed for candidates as donors of cells, tissues and organs.

also entitled to sickness benefit person who became unable to work after having sickness insurance , if incapacity for work continued without interruption for at least 30 days and was: 1) no later than 14 days after the cessation of sickness insurance, 2) not later than within 3 months after cessation of sickness insurance - in case of contagious disease, the incubation period is longer than 14 days, or some other disease, whose symptoms show up after more than 14 days after the onset of the disease.

entitled to sickness benefit for duration of incapacity for work due to illness or inability to work but no longer than 182 days , and if the disability was caused by tuberculosis - no longer than 270 days ( benefit period).

entitled to sickness benefit for each day of incapacity for work, not excluding holidays.

monthly sickness benefit, is:

- 80% of the base allowance

- 70% per stay at the hospital - the amount does not apply in cases where both will take place in circumstances justifying the payment of the allowance of 100%. Entitled to the allowance of 100% even though they are hospitalized.

- 100% of the base benefit, if the incapacity for work:

1) occurred during pregnancy,

2) resulted from an accident on the way to work lub z pracy,

3) powstała wskutek poddania się niezbędnym badaniom lekarskim przewidzianym dla kandydatów na dawców komórek, tkanek i narządów oraz zabiegowi pobrania komórek, tkanek i narządów

Podstawę wymiaru zasiłku chorobowego stanowi przeciętne miesięczne wynagrodzenie wypłacone pracownikowi za 12 miesięcy kalendarzowych poprzedzających miesiąc, w którym powstała niezdolność do pracy.. Przez pojęcie "wynagrodzenie" należy rozumieć przychód pracownika stanowiący podstawę wymiaru składek na ubezpieczenie chorobowe po odliczeniu potrąconych by the payer of contributions to the pension, disability pension and sickness insurance. To determine the attitudes of the judiciary so income employee "nieubruttowiony" (not taking into account the amount of contributions), but before deduction of income tax on individuals.

Sickness not entitled to the insured.

 For the periods of incapacity for work, in which the insured pursuant to the provisions on remuneration, retains the right to remuneration. These periods included in the benefit period.

for periods of incapacity at the time of unpaid leave, parental leave, detention, imprisonment (unless you work for consideration based on the referral). The above periods of incapacity for work not included in the benefit period.

 after the termination of sickness insurance, where a person unable to work: it has the right to a pension from Tit. inability to work, or take continuing gainful activity, has not acquired the rights to benefits in the range of insurance (30 days mandatory or 180 days of voluntary insurance), is entitled to unemployment benefits or retirement, subject to obligatory social insurance of farmers.

 for the whole period of incapacity for work, if the incapacity was caused by willful or criminal misconduct by the insured. The circumstances referred to above, states on the basis of a final court decision.

 whose disability was caused by misuse alcohol - is not entitled to sick pay then for the first five days of incapacity.

Insured using the exemption in a manner inconsistent with its purpose or gainful employment shall forfeit his right to sick pay for the entire period of the exemption.

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Sickness - an accident at work / occupational disease

Sickness from accident insurance insured is entitled, whose inability to work resulted from an accident at work or an occupational disease in the dimension 182 days regardless of insurance periods, from the first day of incapacity to work due to accident at work or occupational disease (not known. "waiting period" , as in the case of sick pay paid by the sickness insurance. The employees entitled to sick pay paid by the sickness insurance for eligible only for the duration of work incapacity, including more than 33 days), but is not payable for periods of incapacity for work due to accident or occupational disease for which an insured under separate regulations retain the right to remuneration, salaries, scholarships. Sickness benefit is 100% of the base, ie the underlying dimension of accident insurance (which is for the insured who are employees receive a salary) The right to unemployment benefit and unemployment benefit shall be paid: 1) if the contribution payer is obliged to establish the right to benefits for sickness and maternity benefits and their distribution, 2) Social Security in other cases .

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Security kind receivable ZUS

accordance with Article. 26 of the Law of 13.10.1998 on Social Insurance System Department has the right to request the assumption of the Land Register for the estate of the debtor in arrears with payment of duty from premiums even if the debtor is a state organizational unit is not a budget unit.

Issued by Department documents certifying the claims relating to contributions and the amounts are based on an entry in the Land Register of a mortgage real estate owned by the debtor. If the property does not have a land register, the security is done by submitting the documents to a set of documents.

To protect your outstanding contributions to ZUS eligible mortgages forced on all property of the debtor. The compulsory mortgage is delivered to the decision to determine the amount of your outstanding contributions, the liability of a third person or a legal successor liability.

The compulsory mortgage beyond the debtor's property may be:

1) the fractional part of the property if it constitutes part of the debtor,

2) the property is the subject of total joint ownership of the debtor and his wife,

3) the property is the subject of joint ownership of the company total civilian or fractional part of the property constituting part of the company civilian - where the debtor is a company.

The compulsory mortgage is also

1) lease, including buildings and other facilities located on a used area, owned by perpetual,

2) cooperative ownership right to residential premises,

3) cooperative right to commercial premises,

4) the right to a detached house in a housing association (the right to housing in house built by a housing association to transfer its ownership to the member cooperatives),

5) debt secured by a mortgage.

forced to mortgage the above apply , the provisions of a mortgage on the property.

The mortgage for the Department, the provisions of the Law - Tax Law, the compulsory mortgage.

accordance with Article. Tax Ordinance 1936, in conjunction. Article. Paragraph 26. 4 of the Law on Compulsory sus mortgage is effective as against each time the owner of mortgages and it is entitled to preference before to secure mortgages or other charges , standards that not apply if the subject mortgage forced established to protect outstanding contributions is burdened with mortgages for collateral for a bank loan , as well as in situations where the claim of such a loan has been disposed of to a securitization fund within the meaning of provisions on investment, in this case to decide the order of priority to satisfy requests for records.

accordance with the prevailing view out of the mortgage law established by decisions of the Department was notified by a mortgage capped enforced in accordance with Article. 111 in conjunction. Article. Law of 110. July 6, 1982 year, the Land and Mortgage. The basis forced to mortgage the ordinary is only enforceable in accordance with Article. 109 above the law.

accordance with Article. 27 of the Law on social insurance contributions receivable are secured by statutory law, a lien on all property of the debtor and on which the aggregate ownership of the debtor and his wife's movables, and transferable property rights. For a pledge of, the provisions of the Act - The Tax, the tax liens. Entry of the above pledges made in the register of pledges Treasury conducted on the basis of Article. Act 1943 - Tax Ordinance.

accordance with Article. 43 and 44 of the Tax Code:

tax liens registers are carried out by the heads of tax offices. Pledge Central Register maintained by the Treasury minister responsible for public finance.

tax lien entry in the register is made on the basis of which was notified of the decision:

1) fixing the amount of tax liability;

2) determining the amount of the obligation tax;

3) determining the level of interest for late payment;

4) the tax liability of the payer or collector;

5) of the tax liability of a third party;

6) to liability of the heir;

7) determining the amount of tax refund.

For tax liabilities arising in the manner prescribed in Article. 21 § 1, paragraph 1 (tax liability arises from the date of the occurrence to which the tax law involves the creation of such an undertaking - such obligations are outstanding contributions) registered in the tax lien is also a statement if it is shown in the tax liability has not been performed. The entry tax lien may not be made earlier than 14 days after the due date of the expiry of a tax liability.

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Pursuant to Art. 3 of the Act on social insurance for accidents at work and occupational diseases for accident at work is considered sudden event caused by external cause injury or death, which occurred in connection with work:

1) during or in connection with performance of usual activities or commands of superiors,

2) during or in connection with performance of activities for the employer, even without instructions ,

3) time the employee remains at the disposal employer the way between the employer's office and the place of performance of an obligation arising from the employment relationship.

1) suddenness of the event: - event occurs in a very short time (eg, explosion, collapse of the walls, fall from height), is unpredictable, which can not be avoided,

2 ) External Cause of accident: - cause must exist outside of an employee, can not stem from individual characteristics of the body (diseases, disorders, predisposition to disease). The typical external factors include: noise, radiation, operation of machinery, an explosion to high or low temperature stress.

external cause need not be the only cause of accidents at work. Just that you get in the team for reasons which have led to this accident. If the external cause is the cause of the confluence of the internal, is to recognize the event as an accident at work is sufficient if it is possible that without this external factor would not have been the effect of injury.

The Court has assumed that the significant deterioration health or death at work, which occurred against the background of worker illnesses reported in spontaneous, do not exclude themselves recognize the event as an accident at work, if the facts of the case revealed the facts of an external cause, which is related to a specific effect.

3) relationship to the work accident - the beams will take place in accordance with Article. Three paragraphs. 1 of the accident, an accident occurs

employee in the performance of ordinary activities or command superiors or in connection with their execution.

If time and space reserved for the work, the worker does what he does not belong to the employee's duties, breaks the same relationship to the work accident. In this case, the employer does not bear responsibility for the consequences of the accident.

during or in connection with performance of activities for employer, even if their performance has not received proper instructions.

accident at work can also be an event that takes place when a worker is not perform usual activities of employees, but works for (and therefore in the interests) of the employer, even though this has not received explicit instructions from the employer or supervisor.

at a time in which the employee remained at the disposal of employers on the way between its headquarters and the place of performance of an obligation arising from the employment relationship.

on par with an accident at work the benefits provided for shall be the employee has an accident (Article 3, paragraph 2):

while traveling business, in circumstances other than those meeting the criteria for an accident at work, unless the accident was caused by conduct of the staff, which is not in connection with the performance of his duties.

during training in the universal self ,

the performance of tasks ordered by working at the employer's trade unions .

Besides regulation of the Act were accidents on the way to and from work. Currently, the provision of this title have been included the benefits paid from disability insurance and sick.

4) negative effect in the body worker, impairment of the body - an accident at work is just such an event that causes
death or injury;
legislature eliminates the so-called. Accidents bezurazowe , that from the viewpoint of social security does not matter.

categories of accidents at work:

Fatal accident at work - which resulted in death occurred in a period not exceeding 6 months from the date of the accident.

Heavy accident at work - which results in serious bodily injury, such as loss of sight, hearing, speech, reproductive or other injury or health disorder, affecting the body's basic functions, as well as an incurable disease or life-threatening, permanent mental illness, the total or partial inability to work in the profession or permanent, significant disfigurement or deformity body.

Collective accident at work - as a result of the same event have been injured at least two people.

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