Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monica Roccaforte Boazona

Gdansk dimension

In the evening drinking beer in a bar at the end of Wide (at a distance of 528 meters from my apartment, 498 meters from the church of St. Mary's and 30.5 feet from Motława, if someone wanted to find her) I came across two young German tourists, a pair which, after a moment's hesitation accosted me. Never before
were not in Poland, so it's their first time - a step to the east, and immediately to Gdansk. They told me how long Thinking about where to spend vacation.

trip to Gdansk, it is not a decision we take a walk, it's definitely aware of the journey. Often associated with this family history, and if they are not the memories of our grandmothers and grandfathers, we certainly heard about it in history class.

Therefore, young tourists from Germany, you can meet far less frequently than those from the older generation. This, however, at any time may change because if someone resigned from the trip to Majorca, or to London to Gdansk, it is a matter of wide-open eyes and flushed face. Young couple was extremely delighted with the stay in the city, said that now they will go anywhere, will be a pleasure Gdańsk. If you get Gdańsk be European Capital of Culture, which I very much wish him to be, then hopefully it will become a destination for even more people, including those who are not associated with him through family history.


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