Sunday, November 29, 2009

Maintenance Plan For Laser Printers

Smile please! A mirror image

Dzisiaj – szary, deszczowy dzień, już about a third day began like twilight ... designed to ensure that you spend it at home, sitting in a chair with large quantities of tea and a good book.
But what do I do if someone is still pulling out, because I feel that if they do not come outside and not from the streets, it's something in this city will miss?

then remains to dress in a raincoat, put the winter boots (high profile!) I; forward in spite of rain and chłodowi. It is known that you can meditate in any weather, so lost in thoughts walked through Downtown with a hood pulled down over his forehead deeply. Even the pigeons were sitting completely drenched and matted on the stairs of the Artus Court - it was a pitiful sight.

my mood, though muffled, was not at all bad, everyone knows what facial expression is the man when he is focused ... Well, when I was going to turn into Lektykarską, jumped in front of me an elderly German tourist and cheerfully exclaimed, " Smile please! "
There's nothing like chaps, which does not leave a good mood!


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