Friday, May 13, 2011

Heart Rate And Numbness

Good genes - Hanna Cygler

Hanna Cygler 'presented' to me one summer Blueberry, lending it to me to read. It was a novel 3XR. Czytadło cool, fast łyknęłam and ignite a desire to read the rest of the books that author. And again, thanks of that Blueberry, I managed to buy several other items, and recently I got from publishing her latest novel Rebis 'good genes'.

First, content: Martha Went
know as ambitious and dart vice president of government agency (whatever it was, This name is always somehow enigmatically, is not it?). Successful, educated, competent, which obviously helps in life, but unfortunately did not impregnate her to the turmoil of life. And these take place, both in the form of demons of the past that it They fall, as well as devilish tricks present - men, who appear in her life, but also the recurrence of depression with anxiety, mother - overprotective and possessive, and unexpected loss work. I do not want to say anything, because you will spoil the pleasure of reading, if you would have wanted after her reach.

this novel reminds me of a book of such writers as Fleszarowa-Muskat and Nepomucka and that's a compliment, to be clear. The author tells the story of life, one that could happen to any of us, a neighbor or a colleague from work. I even at one point I found in her relationship with her mother, which telepnęło me, as usual. Hanna tells Cygler beautifully, smoothly goes from thread to thread, keeps the reader may not be in suspense, but in curiosity, which they continue to happen to Martha, it turns out story? It is nice to relax
at such a reading. It also reminds me of evenings spent in her youth on the novels Siesickiej when feasting on a roll with ham (then a rarity) or Cuban oranges (have a very thick skin), zaczytywałam in stories about my rówieśnicach and their problems - my problems. Here I met Marta, at my age, whose trials and tribulations, if they do not resemble one hundred percent of my story, that's for sure my colleagues or contemporaries. And here lies the strength of these novels, is the proximity of living life heroes from the readers. Is we do not like the history of close our skin? I recommend.


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