Monday, April 18, 2011

Cool Whip Fruit Salad

Poniedziałkowo u Padma, stosikowo from London, which is an old number - as a mother asked her daughter about the hunt for Jane Austen

First, reported that this week fell into Padma for tea and chatting about books. That means I got a proposed response to the questions, I made myself a cup of tea and wrote a few words that now you can read this blog probably the most famous textbook. There is no question about it - it's an honor.

And besides, I wanted to commend you three items of Jane Austen, które moja córka wytropiła dla mnie w Londynie.

Aż mi głupio do tego się przyznawać, ale zamiast usiąść z nią na spokojnie przed jej wyjazdem i powiedzieć, czego szukam, odwaliłam saty numer i przypomniałam sobie o tym wtedy, kiedy ona już była w Londynie. Rzucilam się do telefonu i oczywiście wysłałąm do niej sto sms-ów z opisem książek, tytułami i ewentualnymi miejscami, gdzie ma ich szukać (i tu przydał się blog Padmy, bo ona tam kiedyś opisywała księgarnie w tej metropolii). Zaczęłam do niej pisać 'wykrzyknikami' - LIST, MUST LIST, and besides biography. There has been slipping slightly, because I really wanted the position of Valerie Grosvenor Myer 'Jane Austen: Obstinate Heart "(in Polish edition title was Jawed heart), but did not remember the author, and ended up on the fact that Michalina bought me another biography, which I have not yet relationship - Andrew Norman 'Jane Austen. An Unrequited Love "

Read and see. The letters that was terribly funny story, because there is nowhere they can get. I wanted a choice, because I knew that I'm not too much money in six volumes. Michalina entered into one of the bookstores, she asked for it and you switch on the eyes, ostentatiously put it on your hands white gloves, he disappeared for a moment and returned to them, holding in her hands clad in white ... The first edition of Jane Austen's letters first volume, for the entire 300 pounds. He did not make them touch the book, turning pages and presented to the visual assessment. The daughter said she was so proud of this one, she had no conscience to tell him that seeking a cheap book to read, and not to hold the cabinet with temperature control and Moisture. Before we went spent several minutes to delight and assured that reflect and come back up. She called me afterwards and said - moms, I'm sorry that I still could not afford, lest you buy it. Dear child. Letters
bought, but the selection (Oxford edition). In addition to this was another item, about which I've never heard it and decided to buy me - 'Jane's Fame' Claire Harman.
I know that for connoisseurs of the subject, such as the Padma, you are probably rather Mountaineering items for the layman. But I do not read much about it, apart from Jane Austen's novels themselves, I'm glad this is how jagged the chopped biscuits. A hunting
Iron Jawed Angels takes to heart. Something I do not have luck with this book.


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