Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Dog Has A Huge Wart

Pages litigation relating to social security matters

accordance with Article. 477 11 party litigation relating to social security are insured, another person whose rights and obligations of the contested decision, the pension and interest.

Interested is the person whose rights or obligations depend on the outcome of the case. If such person was not invited to participate on a body that disability, the court will invite her to participate in the proceedings, ex officio or upon request or at the request of either party.

Interested as a person who, in proceedings in matters relating to social security did not exist as a party and for which no decision has been taken, is not only an opportunity to join an ongoing process at the initiative of other parties, but also has the ability appeal . Its power stems both from the circle of people entitled to remain in the (insured) and with the character he was given the process and is based on the common law with other insured who have not yet been established, and therefore his position is in the process of participatory material (por . Article. 72 § 1 CCP) - the Court of Appeal in Katowice 29.12.2004 (file III AUA 2134/03, LEX No. 151776).

The doctrine stresses that different from the insured person whose rights or obligations of the contested decision, is - as the insured - the addressee of an administrative decision and therefore produces a decision in relation to the direct legal effects, while the impact complained against the decision in the sphere of rights and duties of the person concerned may also be indirect.

As an example, other than an insured person whose rights or obligations dotyczy zaskarżona decyzja, można wskazać za judykaturą żonę wspólnika spółki cywilnej zobowiązanej do uiszczenia z majątku wspólnego małżonków zaległych świadczeń z ubezpieczenia społecznego oraz zwrotu nienależnie wypłaconych świadczeń (zob. uzasadnienie uchwały SN z dnia 5 kwietnia 1995 r., II UZP 9/95, OSNAPiUS 1995, nr 18, poz. 231), zaś jako zainteresowanego w sprawie o ustalenie uprawnień pracownika do zasiłku chorobowego (lub jego wysokości) w trakcie trwania zatrudnienia, pracodawcę, kwestionującego istnienie wspomnianych.

Niezbędne jest prawidłowe determine the class of persons who are parties to a particular process, as niewezwanie any of them - including the party concerned - to participate in the case, to nullify the possible defense of its rights and shall invalidate the proceedings (Article 379 paragraph 5).

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